_ansible_no_log: null changed: false cmd: - /bin/pip3 - install - -U - git+ invocation: module_args: chdir: null editable: false executable: pip3 extra_args: null name: - git+ requirements: null state: latest umask: null version: null virtualenv: null virtualenv_command: virtualenv virtualenv_python: null virtualenv_site_packages: false msg: "stdout: Collecting git+\n\ \ Cloning to ./pip-fexwiubu-build\n\ remote: Internal Server Error\nfatal: unable to access '':\ \ The requested URL returned error: 500\n\n:stderr: WARNING: Running pip install\ \ with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try `pip3 install --user`\ \ instead.\nCommand \"git clone -q\ \ /tmp/pip-fexwiubu-build\" failed with error code 128 in None\n" _ansible_no_log: null changed: false cmd: - /bin/pip3 - install - -U - git+ invocation: module_args: chdir: null editable: false executable: pip3 extra_args: null name: - git+ requirements: null state: latest umask: null version: null virtualenv: null virtualenv_command: virtualenv virtualenv_python: null virtualenv_site_packages: false msg: "stdout: Collecting git+\n\ \ Cloning to ./pip-2ha659pg-build\n\ remote: Internal Server Error\nfatal: unable to access '':\ \ The requested URL returned error: 500\n\n:stderr: WARNING: Running pip install\ \ with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try `pip3 install --user`\ \ instead.\nCommand \"git clone -q\ \ /tmp/pip-2ha659pg-build\" failed with error code 128 in None\n"