archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/dis-2022-12-04_21:00:45-rbd-wip-dis-testing-distro-default-smithi/7103216 branch: wip-dis-testing description: rbd/mirror-thrash/{base/install clients/mirror cluster/{2-node openstack} msgr-failures/few objectstore/bluestore-stupid policy/none rbd-mirror/four-per-cluster supported-random-distro$/{centos_8} workloads/rbd-mirror-snapshot-stress-workunit-exclusive-lock} email: first_in_suite: false job_id: '7103216' kernel: &id001 kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: smithi meta: - desc: run two ceph clusters and install rbd-mirror - desc: configure the permissions for client.mirror - desc: 2 ceph clusters with 1 mon and 3 osds each - desc: run four rbd-mirror daemons per cluster - desc: run the workunit to test the rbd-mirror daemon name: dis-2022-12-04_21:00:45-rbd-wip-dis-testing-distro-default-smithi no_nested_subset: false nuke-on-error: true openstack: - volumes: count: 3 size: 30 os_type: centos os_version: overrides: admin_socket: branch: wip-dis-testing ceph: conf: client: debug rbd: 20 debug rbd_mirror: 15 log to stderr: false rbd default features: 125 rbd mirror image policy type: none client.mirror.0: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.1: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.2: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.3: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ global: mon client directed command retry: 5 ms inject socket failures: 5000 mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 osd: bdev async discard: true bdev enable discard: true bluestore allocator: stupid bluestore block size: 96636764160 bluestore fsck on mount: true debug bluefs: 1/20 debug bluestore: 1/20 debug ms: 1 debug osd: 20 debug rocksdb: 4/10 mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85 mon osd full ratio: 0.9 mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8 osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95 osd objectstore: bluestore flavor: default fs: xfs log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - \(OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME sha1: 1de1c01608678ccbe5faeb1a4eaff28f84bea777 ceph-deploy: bluestore: true conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 osd: bdev async discard: true bdev enable discard: true bluestore block size: 96636764160 bluestore fsck on mount: true debug bluefs: 1/20 debug bluestore: 1/20 debug rocksdb: 4/10 mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85 mon osd full ratio: 0.9 mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8 osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95 osd objectstore: bluestore fs: xfs install: ceph: flavor: default sha1: 1de1c01608678ccbe5faeb1a4eaff28f84bea777 selinux: whitelist: - scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0 thrashosds: bdev_inject_crash: 2 bdev_inject_crash_probability: 0.5 workunit: branch: wip-dis-testing-qa sha1: 88742cb1982e91153848c1cdb0fe944af5ed3a98 owner: scheduled_dis@teuthology priority: 65 repo: roles: - - cluster1.mon.a - cluster1.mgr.x - cluster2.mgr.x - cluster1.osd.0 - cluster1.osd.1 - cluster1.osd.2 - cluster1.client.0 - cluster2.client.0 - - cluster2.mon.a - cluster2.osd.0 - cluster2.osd.1 - cluster2.osd.2 - cluster1.client.mirror - cluster1.client.mirror.0 - cluster1.client.mirror.1 - cluster1.client.mirror.2 - cluster1.client.mirror.3 - cluster1.client.mirror.4 - cluster1.client.mirror.5 - cluster1.client.mirror.6 - cluster2.client.mirror - cluster2.client.mirror.0 - cluster2.client.mirror.1 - cluster2.client.mirror.2 - cluster2.client.mirror.3 - cluster2.client.mirror.4 - cluster2.client.mirror.5 - cluster2.client.mirror.6 sha1: 1de1c01608678ccbe5faeb1a4eaff28f84bea777 sleep_before_teardown: 0 suite: rbd suite_branch: wip-dis-testing-qa suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/github.com_idryomov_ceph_88742cb1982e91153848c1cdb0fe944af5ed3a98/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: suite_sha1: 88742cb1982e91153848c1cdb0fe944af5ed3a98 targets: ssh-rsa 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 ssh-rsa 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 tasks: - internal.check_packages: null - internal.buildpackages_prep: null - internal.save_config: null - internal.check_lock: null - internal.add_remotes: null - console_log: null - internal.connect: null - internal.push_inventory: null - internal.serialize_remote_roles: null - internal.check_conflict: null - internal.check_ceph_data: null - internal.vm_setup: null - kernel: *id001 - internal.base: null - internal.archive_upload: null - internal.archive: null - internal.coredump: null - internal.sudo: null - internal.syslog: null - internal.timer: null - pcp: null - selinux: null - ansible.cephlab: null - clock: null - install: extra_packages: - rbd-mirror - ceph: cluster: cluster1 - ceph: cluster: cluster2 - exec: cluster1.client.mirror.0: - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror mon 'profile rbd-mirror-peer' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.0 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.1 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.2 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.3 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror mon 'profile rbd-mirror-peer' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.0 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.1 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.2 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.3 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - rbd-mirror: client: cluster1.client.mirror.0 thrash: true - rbd-mirror: client: cluster1.client.mirror.1 thrash: true - rbd-mirror: client: cluster1.client.mirror.2 thrash: true - rbd-mirror: client: cluster1.client.mirror.3 thrash: true - rbd-mirror: client: cluster2.client.mirror.0 thrash: true - rbd-mirror: client: cluster2.client.mirror.1 thrash: true - rbd-mirror: client: cluster2.client.mirror.2 thrash: true - rbd-mirror: client: cluster2.client.mirror.3 thrash: true - rbd-mirror-thrash: cluster: cluster1 - rbd-mirror-thrash: cluster: cluster2 - workunit: clients: cluster1.client.mirror: - rbd/ env: CEPH_ARGS: '' MIRROR_IMAGE_MODE: snapshot MIRROR_POOL_MODE: image RBD_IMAGE_FEATURES: layering,exclusive-lock RBD_MIRROR_INSTANCES: '4' RBD_MIRROR_USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER: '1' RBD_MIRROR_USE_RBD_MIRROR: '1' timeout: 6h teuthology: fragments_dropped: [] meta: {} postmerge: [] teuthology_branch: main teuthology_sha1: 4da97cf64e542f347ec47b7bdbe5eca99759f9b7 timestamp: 2022-12-04_21:00:45 tube: smithi user: dis verbose: true worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/dispatcher.smithi.23126