Found 1 jobs Found 1 distinct failure reasons Dead: b'2022-09-29T15:58:22.706 INFO:journalctl@ceph.prometheus.a.smithi138.stdout:Sep 29 15:58:22 smithi138 ceph-7113afdc-3fac-11ed-8431-001a4aab830c-prometheus-a[74942]: ts=2022-09-29T15:58:22.315Z caller=manager.go:609 level=warn component="rule manager" group=pools msg="Evaluating rule failed" rule="alert: CephPoolGrowthWarning\\nexpr: (predict_linear(ceph_pool_percent_used[2d], 3600 * 24 * 5) * on(pool_id) group_right()\\n ceph_pool_metadata) >= 95\\nlabels:\\n oid:\\n severity: warning\\n type: ceph_default\\nannotations:\\n description: Pool \'{{ $ }}\' will be full in less than 5 days assuming\\n the average fill-up rate of the past 48 hours.\\n summary: Pool growth rate may soon exceed capacity\\n" err="found duplicate series for the match group {pool_id=\\"1\\"} on the left hand-side of the operation: [{instance=\\"smithi115:9283\\", job=\\"ceph\\", pool_id=\\"1\\"}, {instance=\\"\\", job=\\"ceph\\", pool_id=\\"1\\"}];many-to-many matching not allowed: matching labels must be unique on one side"' 1 jobs: ['7047260'] suites: ['0-start', '1-tasks}', 'upgrade:telemetry-upgrade:quincy-x/{0-random-distro$/{centos_8.stream_container_tools}']