2022-12-19T15:01:02.404 INFO:root:teuthology version: 0.0.1.dev18+g19d18db 2022-12-19T15:01:02.404 DEBUG:teuthology.run:Teuthology command: teuthology --owner scheduled_nmordech@teuthology --lock --archive /home/teuthworker/archive/nmordech-2022-12-19_12:36:34-rados:thrash-erasure-code-wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval-distro-default-smithi/7121273 --description rados:thrash-erasure-code/{ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} fast/normal mon_election/connectivity msgr-failures/few objectstore/filestore-xfs rados recovery-overrides/{default} supported-random-distro$/{centos_8} thrashers/fastread thrashosds-health workloads/ec-radosbench} --name nmordech-2022-12-19_12:36:34-rados:thrash-erasure-code-wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval-distro-default-smithi --block --verbose -- /tmp/teuthology-worker.m4axd7nt.tmp 2022-12-19T15:01:02.438 DEBUG:teuthology.report:Pushing job info to http://paddles.front.sepia.ceph.com/ 2022-12-19T15:01:02.529 INFO:teuthology.run:Config: archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/nmordech-2022-12-19_12:36:34-rados:thrash-erasure-code-wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval-distro-default-smithi/7121273 branch: wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval description: rados:thrash-erasure-code/{ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} fast/normal mon_election/connectivity msgr-failures/few objectstore/filestore-xfs rados recovery-overrides/{default} supported-random-distro$/{centos_8} thrashers/fastread thrashosds-health workloads/ec-radosbench} email: null first_in_suite: false job_id: '7121273' kernel: kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: smithi name: nmordech-2022-12-19_12:36:34-rados:thrash-erasure-code-wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval-distro-default-smithi no_nested_subset: false nuke-on-error: true openstack: - volumes: count: 4 size: 10 - volumes: count: 4 size: 30 os_type: centos os_version: 8.stream overrides: admin_socket: branch: wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval ceph: conf: global: mon client directed command retry: 5 mon election default strategy: 3 ms inject socket failures: 5000 mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 mon scrub interval: 300 osd pool default ec fast read: true osd: bluestore zero block detection: true debug ms: 1 debug osd: 20 osd blocked scrub grace period: 3600 osd debug reject backfill probability: 0.1 osd debug verify cached snaps: true osd debug verify missing on start: true osd heartbeat use min delay socket: true osd max backfills: 3 osd max markdown count: 1000 osd mclock override recovery settings: true osd objectstore: filestore osd op queue: debug_random osd op queue cut off: debug_random osd scrub max interval: 120 osd scrub min interval: 60 osd shutdown pgref assert: true osd sloppy crc: true flavor: default fs: xfs log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - \(OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME - but it is still running - objects unfound and apparently lost - overall HEALTH_ - \(OSDMAP_FLAGS\) - \(OSD_ - \(PG_ - \(POOL_ - \(CACHE_POOL_ - \(SMALLER_PGP_NUM\) - \(OBJECT_ - \(SLOW_OPS\) - \(REQUEST_SLOW\) - \(TOO_FEW_PGS\) - slow request - timeout on replica - late reservation from sha1: dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 osd: osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true filestore: true fs: xfs install: ceph: flavor: default sha1: dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a selinux: whitelist: - scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0 workunit: branch: wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval sha1: dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a owner: scheduled_nmordech@teuthology priority: 40 repo: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ci.git roles: - - mon.a - mon.c - mgr.y - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - client.0 - node-exporter.a - - mon.b - mgr.x - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 - client.1 - prometheus.a - node-exporter.b sha1: dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a sleep_before_teardown: 0 suite: rados:thrash-erasure-code suite_branch: wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph-c_dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: https://git.ceph.com/ceph-ci.git suite_sha1: dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a tasks: - install: null - ceph: null - thrashosds: chance_pgnum_grow: 1 chance_pgnum_shrink: 1 chance_pgpnum_fix: 1 min_in: 4 timeout: 1200 - full_sequential: - radosbench: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true time: 150 unique_pool: true - radosbench: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true time: 150 unique_pool: true - radosbench: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true time: 150 unique_pool: true - radosbench: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true time: 150 unique_pool: true - radosbench: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true time: 150 unique_pool: true teuthology: fragments_dropped: [] meta: {} postmerge: [] teuthology_branch: main teuthology_sha1: 19d18db866afdc31fd6586f558fc29b95a87ccfb timestamp: 2022-12-19_12:36:34 tube: smithi user: nmordech verbose: true worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/worker.smithi.4801 2022-12-19T15:01:02.529 INFO:teuthology.run:suite_path is set to /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph-c_dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a/qa; will attempt to use it 2022-12-19T15:01:02.530 INFO:teuthology.run:Found tasks at /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph-c_dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a/qa/tasks 2022-12-19T15:01:02.530 INFO:teuthology.run_tasks:Running task internal.check_packages... 2022-12-19T15:01:02.532 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:Checking packages... 2022-12-19T15:01:02.557 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:Checking packages for os_type 'centos', flavor 'default' and ceph hash 'dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a' 2022-12-19T15:01:02.558 WARNING:teuthology.packaging:More than one of ref, tag, branch, or sha1 supplied; using branch 2022-12-19T15:01:02.558 INFO:teuthology.packaging:ref: None 2022-12-19T15:01:02.558 INFO:teuthology.packaging:tag: None 2022-12-19T15:01:02.558 INFO:teuthology.packaging:branch: wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval 2022-12-19T15:01:02.558 INFO:teuthology.packaging:sha1: dca0fc1e54909c143338d609c8f876e588f53d9a 2022-12-19T15:01:02.558 DEBUG:teuthology.packaging:Querying https://shaman.ceph.com/api/search?status=ready&project=ceph&flavor=default&distros=centos%2F8%2Fx86_64&ref=wip-nitzan-peering-auth-log-shard-change-in-interval 2022-12-19T15:01:02.710 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:Found packages for ceph version 18.0.0-1501.gdca0fc1e 2022-12-19T15:01:02.710 INFO:teuthology.run_tasks:Running task internal.buildpackages_prep... 2022-12-19T15:01:02.717 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:no buildpackages task found 2022-12-19T15:01:02.717 INFO:teuthology.run_tasks:Running task internal.lock_machines... 2022-12-19T15:01:02.724 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:Locking machines... 2022-12-19T15:01:02.724 DEBUG:teuthology.report:Pushing job info to http://paddles.front.sepia.ceph.com/ 2022-12-19T15:01:02.807 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:01:12.836 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:01:22.857 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:01:32.878 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:01:42.898 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:01:52.920 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:02:02.942 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:02:12.963 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:02:22.989 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:02:33.010 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:02:43.031 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:02:53.053 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:03:03.066 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:03:13.088 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:03:23.105 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:03:33.131 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:03:43.151 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:03:53.172 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:04:03.194 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:04:13.216 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:04:23.237 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:04:33.258 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:04:43.276 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:04:53.301 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:05:03.322 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:05:13.344 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:05:23.365 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:05:33.387 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:05:43.410 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:05:53.438 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:06:03.459 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:06:13.480 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:06:23.503 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:06:33.525 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:06:43.546 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:06:53.577 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:07:03.598 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:07:13.620 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:07:23.643 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:07:33.683 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:07:43.708 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:07:53.729 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:08:03.748 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:08:13.769 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:08:23.791 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:08:33.813 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:08:43.835 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:08:53.856 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:09:03.877 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:09:13.897 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:09:23.918 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:09:33.945 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:09:43.965 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:09:53.988 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:10:04.008 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:10:14.031 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:10:24.052 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:10:34.074 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:10:44.096 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:10:54.118 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:11:04.145 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:11:14.167 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:11:24.189 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:11:34.209 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:11:44.231 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:11:54.254 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:12:04.275 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:12:14.297 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:12:24.318 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:12:34.345 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:12:44.368 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:12:54.392 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:13:04.413 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:13:14.434 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:13:24.455 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:13:34.474 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:13:44.496 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:13:54.518 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:14:04.541 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:14:14.565 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:14:24.592 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:14:34.612 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:14:44.635 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:14:54.655 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:15:04.673 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:15:14.693 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:15:24.713 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:15:34.734 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:15:44.760 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:15:54.782 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:16:04.802 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:16:14.823 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:16:24.843 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:16:34.861 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:16:44.882 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:16:54.900 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:17:04.921 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:17:14.949 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:17:24.971 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:17:34.993 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:17:45.020 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:17:55.041 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:18:05.065 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:18:15.086 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:18:25.107 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:18:35.128 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:18:45.154 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:18:55.173 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:19:05.193 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:19:15.213 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:19:25.234 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:19:35.251 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:19:45.269 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:19:55.289 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:20:05.310 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:20:15.336 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:20:25.357 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:20:35.377 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:20:45.398 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:20:55.419 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:21:05.439 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:21:15.460 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:21:25.481 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:21:35.503 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:21:45.523 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:21:55.550 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:22:05.571 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:22:15.593 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:22:25.613 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:22:35.634 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:22:45.649 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:22:55.670 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:23:05.690 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:23:15.711 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:23:25.737 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:23:35.760 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:23:45.774 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:23:55.796 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:24:05.817 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:24:15.840 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:24:25.871 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:24:35.897 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:24:45.918 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:24:55.945 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:25:05.966 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:25:15.986 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:25:26.007 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:25:36.029 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:25:46.050 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:25:56.068 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:26:06.087 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:26:16.107 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:26:26.132 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:26:36.149 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:26:46.169 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:26:56.191 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:27:06.212 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:27:16.233 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:27:26.253 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:27:36.271 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:27:46.290 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:27:56.313 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:28:06.339 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:28:16.357 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:28:26.378 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:28:36.400 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:28:46.420 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:28:56.443 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:29:06.462 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:29:16.484 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:29:26.507 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:29:36.535 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:29:46.556 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:29:56.578 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:30:06.602 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:30:16.624 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:30:26.646 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:30:36.666 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:30:46.688 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:30:56.712 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:31:06.741 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:31:16.763 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:31:26.787 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:31:37.047 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:31:47.069 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:31:57.092 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:32:07.119 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:32:17.141 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:32:27.153 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:32:37.174 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:32:47.205 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:32:57.225 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:33:07.250 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:33:17.262 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:33:27.283 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:33:37.304 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:33:47.320 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:33:57.342 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:34:07.363 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:34:17.381 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:34:27.406 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:34:37.428 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:34:47.450 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:34:57.472 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:35:07.495 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:35:17.515 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:35:27.537 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:35:37.559 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:35:47.586 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:35:57.613 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:36:07.636 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:36:17.653 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:36:27.674 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:36:37.694 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:36:47.716 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:36:57.738 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:37:07.760 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:37:17.776 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:37:27.807 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:37:37.829 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:37:47.850 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:37:57.871 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:38:07.892 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:38:17.914 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:38:27.936 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:38:37.953 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:38:47.976 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:38:58.006 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:39:08.030 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:39:18.045 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:39:28.067 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:39:38.093 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:39:48.112 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:39:58.134 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:40:08.150 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:40:18.171 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:40:28.198 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:40:38.220 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:40:48.239 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:40:58.265 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:41:08.287 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:41:18.300 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:41:28.317 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:41:38.338 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:41:48.361 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:41:58.385 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:42:08.404 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:42:18.425 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:42:28.447 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:42:38.468 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:42:48.491 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:42:58.514 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:43:08.535 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:43:18.552 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:43:28.574 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:43:38.600 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:43:48.623 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:43:58.643 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:44:08.664 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:44:18.686 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:44:28.707 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:44:38.727 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:44:48.748 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:44:58.769 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:45:08.791 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:45:18.810 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:45:28.834 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:45:38.856 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:45:48.879 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:45:58.901 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:46:08.923 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:46:18.947 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:46:28.969 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:46:38.990 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:46:49.018 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:46:59.032 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:47:09.054 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:47:19.074 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:47:29.096 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:47:39.117 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:47:49.139 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:47:59.161 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:48:09.183 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:48:19.208 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:48:29.233 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:48:39.254 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:48:49.277 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:48:59.298 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:49:09.321 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:49:19.343 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:49:29.364 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:49:39.387 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:49:49.411 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:49:59.439 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:50:09.460 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:50:19.481 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:50:29.503 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:50:39.523 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:50:49.545 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:50:59.566 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:51:09.587 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:51:19.612 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:51:29.630 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:51:39.655 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:51:49.676 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:51:59.695 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:52:09.716 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:52:19.737 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:52:29.757 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:52:39.778 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:52:49.800 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:52:59.821 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:53:09.841 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:53:19.866 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:53:29.887 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:53:39.908 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:53:49.928 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:53:59.949 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:54:09.970 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:54:19.981 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:54:30.001 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:54:40.023 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:54:50.047 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:55:00.066 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:55:10.085 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:55:20.105 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:55:30.125 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:55:40.145 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:55:50.165 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:56:00.185 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:56:10.205 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:56:20.226 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:56:30.251 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:56:40.270 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:56:50.289 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:57:00.309 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:57:10.329 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:57:20.350 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:57:30.370 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:57:40.390 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:57:50.409 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:58:00.429 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:58:10.456 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:58:20.473 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:58:30.494 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:58:40.513 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:58:50.533 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:59:00.553 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:59:10.576 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:59:20.596 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:59:30.617 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:59:40.646 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T15:59:50.671 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:00:00.692 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:00:10.713 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:00:20.734 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:00:30.754 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:00:40.774 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:00:50.796 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:01:00.813 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:01:10.833 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:01:20.861 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:01:30.881 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:01:40.902 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:01:50.922 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:02:00.943 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:02:10.973 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:02:20.995 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:02:31.014 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:02:41.034 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:02:51.054 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:03:01.080 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:03:11.102 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:03:21.121 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:03:31.137 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:03:41.158 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:03:51.180 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:04:01.202 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:04:11.225 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:04:21.246 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:04:31.266 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:04:41.288 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:04:51.325 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:05:01.346 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:05:11.367 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:05:21.387 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:05:31.409 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:05:41.430 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:05:51.453 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:06:01.473 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:06:11.493 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:06:21.514 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:06:31.539 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:06:41.557 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:06:51.578 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:07:01.598 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:07:11.619 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:07:21.641 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:07:31.663 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:07:41.686 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:07:51.701 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:08:01.727 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:08:11.753 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:08:21.774 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:08:31.800 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:08:41.820 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:08:51.842 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:09:01.863 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:09:11.883 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:09:21.905 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:09:31.925 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:09:41.951 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:09:51.978 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:10:01.999 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:10:12.020 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:10:22.041 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:10:32.062 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:10:42.084 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:10:52.106 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:11:02.125 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:11:12.146 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:11:22.172 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:11:32.192 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:11:42.215 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:11:52.239 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:12:02.259 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:12:12.280 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:12:22.301 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:12:32.314 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:12:42.335 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:12:52.356 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:13:02.383 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:13:12.401 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:13:22.417 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:13:32.440 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:13:42.462 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:13:52.485 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:14:02.506 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:14:12.529 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:14:22.552 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:14:32.575 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:14:42.603 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:14:52.625 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:15:02.647 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:15:12.672 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:15:22.698 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:15:32.718 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:15:42.744 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:15:52.766 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:16:02.789 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:16:12.809 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:16:22.837 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:16:32.858 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:16:42.877 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:16:52.900 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:17:02.918 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:17:12.937 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:17:22.959 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:17:32.977 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:17:42.998 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:17:53.019 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:18:03.044 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:18:13.065 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:18:23.088 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:18:33.109 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:18:43.129 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:18:53.150 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:19:03.171 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:19:13.193 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:19:23.213 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:19:33.234 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:19:43.255 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:19:53.282 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:20:03.305 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:20:13.326 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:20:23.347 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:20:33.368 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:20:43.387 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:20:53.408 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:21:03.428 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:21:13.452 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:21:23.476 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:21:33.489 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:21:43.517 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:21:53.530 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:22:03.550 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:22:13.572 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:22:23.594 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:22:33.614 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:22:43.629 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:22:53.652 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:23:03.670 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:23:13.691 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:23:23.713 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:23:33.735 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:23:43.982 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:23:54.005 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:24:04.027 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:24:14.048 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:24:24.062 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:24:34.082 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:24:44.103 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:24:54.125 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:25:04.146 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:25:14.168 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:25:24.190 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:25:34.212 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:25:44.234 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:25:54.254 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 1)... 2022-12-19T16:26:04.275 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:26:14.302 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:26:24.324 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:26:34.346 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:26:44.362 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:26:54.384 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:27:04.404 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:27:14.427 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:27:24.450 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:27:34.473 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:27:44.495 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:27:54.516 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:28:04.538 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:28:14.560 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:28:24.582 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:28:34.602 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:28:44.623 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:28:54.645 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:29:04.666 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:29:14.693 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:29:24.714 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:29:34.735 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:29:44.757 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:29:54.780 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:30:04.801 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:30:14.821 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:30:24.841 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:30:34.863 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:30:44.884 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:30:54.905 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:31:04.926 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:31:14.946 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:31:24.967 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:31:34.987 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:31:45.010 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:31:55.031 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:32:05.045 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:32:15.068 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:32:25.088 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:32:35.115 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:32:45.137 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:32:55.158 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:33:05.179 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:33:15.200 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:33:25.220 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:33:35.242 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:33:45.263 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:33:55.283 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:34:05.303 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:34:15.324 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:34:25.344 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:34:35.360 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:34:45.381 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:34:55.402 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:35:05.424 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:35:15.445 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:35:25.466 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:35:35.492 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:35:45.506 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:35:55.527 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:36:05.548 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:36:15.569 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:36:25.589 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:36:35.610 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:36:45.622 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:36:55.642 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:37:05.661 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:37:15.681 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:37:25.702 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:37:35.725 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:37:45.746 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:37:55.766 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:38:05.782 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:38:15.806 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:38:25.825 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:38:35.846 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:38:45.866 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:38:55.886 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:39:05.906 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:39:15.926 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:39:25.947 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:39:35.968 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:39:45.989 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:39:56.011 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:40:06.032 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:40:16.050 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:40:26.071 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:40:36.092 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:40:46.109 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:40:56.132 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:41:06.151 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:41:16.176 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:41:26.198 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:41:36.219 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:41:46.240 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:41:56.260 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:42:06.281 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:42:16.302 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:42:26.323 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:42:36.342 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:42:46.363 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:42:56.378 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:43:06.389 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:43:16.409 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:43:26.430 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:43:36.451 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:43:46.475 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:43:56.497 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:44:06.518 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:44:16.539 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:44:26.562 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:44:36.587 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:44:46.608 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:44:56.628 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:45:06.650 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:45:16.670 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:45:26.692 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:45:36.712 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:45:46.729 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:45:56.750 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:46:06.772 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:46:16.793 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:46:26.813 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:46:36.835 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:46:46.857 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:46:56.877 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:47:06.897 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:47:16.918 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:47:26.939 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:47:36.960 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:47:46.971 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:47:56.999 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:48:07.020 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:48:17.041 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:48:27.061 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:48:37.081 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:48:47.103 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:48:57.123 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:49:07.144 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:49:17.164 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:49:27.184 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:49:37.205 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:49:47.225 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:49:57.246 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:50:07.259 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:50:17.280 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:50:27.301 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:50:37.322 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:50:47.344 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:50:57.366 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:51:07.389 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:51:17.410 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:51:27.430 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:51:37.455 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:51:47.476 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:51:57.496 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:52:07.516 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:52:17.537 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:52:27.557 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:52:37.577 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:52:47.599 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:52:57.620 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:53:07.639 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:53:17.660 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:53:27.680 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:53:37.701 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:53:47.722 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:53:57.742 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:54:07.767 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:54:17.789 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:54:27.810 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:54:37.831 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:54:47.854 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:54:57.878 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)... 2022-12-19T16:55:07.898 INFO:teuthology.lock.ops:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 2, have 0)...