description: rados:mgr/{clusters/{2-node-mgr} debug/mgr mgr_ttl_cache/disable mon_election/connectivity random-objectstore$/{bluestore-comp-snappy} supported-random-distro$/{ubuntu_latest} tasks/progress} duration: 556.1680507659912 failure_reason: '{'''': {''_ansible_no_log'': False, ''changed'': False, ''cmd'': ''/usr/bin/cpanm Amazon::S3'', ''invocation'': {''module_args'': {''executable'': None, ''from_path'': None, ''installdeps'': False, ''locallib'': None, ''mirror'': None, ''mirror_only'': False, ''name'': ''Amazon::S3'', ''notest'': False, ''system_lib'': False, ''version'': None}}, ''msg'': "! Finding LWP::UserAgent::Determined on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution LWP::UserAgent::Determined\n! Finding Test::More on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution Test::More (1.302190)\n! Finding Net::Amazon::Signature::V4 on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution Net::Amazon::Signature::V4\n! Finding Class::Accessor::Fast on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution Class::Accessor::Fast\n! Installing the dependencies failed: Installed version (1.302183) of Test::More is not in range ''1.302190'', Module ''Net::Amazon::Signature::V4'' is not installed, Module ''LWP::UserAgent::Determined'' is not installed, Module ''Class::Accessor::Fast'' is not installed\n! Bailing out the installation for Amazon-S3-0.63.\n"}, '''': {''_ansible_no_log'': False, ''changed'': False, ''cmd'': ''/usr/bin/cpanm Amazon::S3'', ''invocation'': {''module_args'': {''executable'': None, ''from_path'': None, ''installdeps'': False, ''locallib'': None, ''mirror'': None, ''mirror_only'': False, ''name'': ''Amazon::S3'', ''notest'': False, ''system_lib'': False, ''version'': None}}, ''msg'': "! Finding Digest::HMAC_SHA1 on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution Digest::HMAC_SHA1\n! Finding Test::More on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution Test::More (1.302190)\n! Finding Class::Accessor::Fast on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution Class::Accessor::Fast\n! Finding XML::Simple on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution XML::Simple\n! Finding Digest::MD5::File on cpanmetadb failed.\n! cannot open file ''/root/.cpanm/sources/'': No such file or directory opening compressed index\n! Couldn''t find module or a distribution Digest::MD5::File (0.08)\n! Installing the dependencies failed: Module ''Class::Accessor::Fast'' is not installed, Module ''XML::Simple'' is not installed, Installed version (1.302183) of Test::More is not in range ''1.302190'', Module ''Digest::HMAC_SHA1'' is not installed, Module ''Digest::MD5::File'' is not installed\n! Bailing out the installation for Amazon-S3-0.63.\n"}}' owner: scheduled_pdonnell@teuthology sentry_event: status: dead success: false