_ansible_no_log: false attempts: 12 changed: true cmd: - subscription-manager - register - --activationkey=testnode - --org=Ceph - - --force delta: '0:00:13.978765' end: '2023-12-19 14:21:31.264579' failed_when_result: true invocation: module_args: _raw_params: subscription-manager register --activationkey=testnode --org=Ceph --force _uses_shell: false argv: null chdir: null creates: null executable: null removes: null stdin: null stdin_add_newline: true strip_empty_ends: true warn: true msg: non-zero return code rc: 70 start: '2023-12-19 14:21:17.285814' stderr: 'Consumer with id 84b365a5-8f5b-4a37-8c4f-c4d0be799e9a could not be found. (HTTP error code 404: Not Found)' stderr_lines: - 'Consumer with id 84b365a5-8f5b-4a37-8c4f-c4d0be799e9a could not be found. (HTTP error code 404: Not Found)' stdout: '' stdout_lines: []