archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/sage-2021-03-05_23:09:13-upgrade-wip-sage2-testing-2021-03-05-1435-distro-basic-gibba/5939955 branch: wip-sage2-testing-2021-03-05-1435 description: upgrade/nautilus-x/parallel/{0-cluster/{openstack start} 1-ceph-install/nautilus 1.1-pg-log-overrides/short_pg_log 2-workload/{blogbench ec-rados-default rados_api rados_loadgenbig rgw_ragweed_prepare test_rbd_api test_rbd_python} 3-upgrade-sequence/upgrade-all 4-octopus 5-final-workload/{blogbench rados-snaps-few-objects rados_loadgenmix rados_mon_thrash rbd_cls rbd_import_export rgw rgw_ragweed_check} mon_election/connectivity objectstore/filestore-xfs ubuntu_18.04} email: null first_in_suite: false job_id: '5939955' kernel: kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: gibba meta: - desc: 'Run ceph on two nodes, with a separate client 0,1,2 third node. Use xfs beneath the osds. CephFS tests running on client 2,3 ' - desc: 'install ceph/nautilus latest run workload and upgrade-sequence in parallel upgrade the client node ' - desc: 'run a cephfs stress test mount ceph-fuse on client.2 before running workunit ' - desc: 'run run randomized correctness test for rados operations on an erasure-coded pool ' - desc: 'object class functional tests ' - desc: 'generate read/write load with rados objects ranging from 1MB to 25MB ' - desc: 'rgw ragweed prepare ' - desc: 'librbd C and C++ api tests ' - desc: 'librbd python api tests ' - desc: 'upgrade the ceph cluster ' - desc: 'run a cephfs stress test mount ceph-fuse on client.3 before running workunit ' - desc: 'randomized correctness test for rados operations on a replicated pool with snapshots ' - desc: 'generate read/write load with rados objects ranging from 1 byte to 1MB ' - desc: 'librados C and C++ api tests ' - desc: 'rbd object class functional tests ' - desc: 'run basic import/export cli tests for rbd ' - desc: 'ragweed check for rgw ' name: sage-2021-03-05_23:09:13-upgrade-wip-sage2-testing-2021-03-05-1435-distro-basic-gibba nuke-on-error: true openstack: - volumes: count: 3 size: 30 os_type: ubuntu os_version: '18.04' overrides: admin_socket: branch: wip-sage2-testing-2021-03-05-1435 ceph: conf: global: enable experimental unrecoverable data corrupting features: '*' mon election default strategy: 3 mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 mon warn on osd down out interval zero: false osd: debug filestore: 20 debug journal: 20 debug ms: 1 debug osd: 25 osd class default list: '*' osd class load list: '*' osd max pg log entries: 2 osd min pg log entries: 1 osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true fs: xfs log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - scrub mismatch - ScrubResult - wrongly marked - \(POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED\) - \(SLOW_OPS\) - overall HEALTH_ - slow request - reached quota - \(REQUEST_SLOW\) log-whitelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) sha1: 8029741a8ce9f28e2d440d03247aa8ca56facb6c ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 osd: osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true filestore: true fs: xfs install: ceph: sha1: 8029741a8ce9f28e2d440d03247aa8ca56facb6c rgw: frontend: civetweb workunit: branch: wip-sage2-testing-2021-03-05-1435 sha1: 8029741a8ce9f28e2d440d03247aa8ca56facb6c owner: scheduled_sage@teuthology priority: 100 repo: git:// rgw-final-workload: full_sequential: - ragweed: client.1: default-branch: ceph-pacific rgw_server: client.1 stages: check - print: '**** done ragweed check 4-final-workload' roles: - - mon.a - mgr.x - mds.a - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - - mon.b - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 - - mon.c - osd.8 - osd.9 - osd.10 - osd.11 - - client.0 - client.1 - client.2 - client.3 sha1: 8029741a8ce9f28e2d440d03247aa8ca56facb6c sleep_before_teardown: 0 suite: upgrade suite_branch: wip-sage2-testing-2021-03-05-1435 suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph-c_8029741a8ce9f28e2d440d03247aa8ca56facb6c/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: git:// suite_sha1: 8029741a8ce9f28e2d440d03247aa8ca56facb6c targets: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC2zVWCCiWEkkekRNWEa35Ib+6xu1NewgeSQ06jajFzMDvb1fl/U9nLbCagMasrY+c7T3RBVZyY6cOfI+iLX70OC3NXt1czg9fdaQprpxsbVm1GLtQhPnrjillijoPDiqTWnY4ykxJrfXDzMsZO0Tp7qjij830hhftzQEtvCM+8YlF8ivs2syr2FriVVNZJZ/SwwXq0VHQvITJBMzRg4E8/Mix7TfqM3bZ0VpZh7hSornxnu2pDb/dzEVvPGWT7m/xAvw6Hlb9wCPJv9O9uYVz+sox7baK72WJP0cbStpk1DLWNfrutppdM0Pswl+adaPVvFCXGWoxUgv/D6m8ONqLL ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCxKwk+yjDirkU8EpAqoglNzAGKtA0FLYKlgurGtdVXRxwVb5YucA4oCyC3QPlAxbOQge6Wwoktn2BqPxzYyYBbU9iIaMIsaHnjERwWK6Q1TKTv9ZX2nuHKYRFNaLKt7MB63cBKDRfT0S12+iOTK69H3Jp/Y73R8Q7HHHR02WI7JbYHGx0CvsbnGx2EaZXL9IPApAbth6GBmpR9MqFMmnwcv2rqJPvAUOG9pnii0Jh8Kj1PkHWENSCnXzZV0n/aoVjGT4Vuv0xV93CdC9Nu31qpnx4SymVqNoyBk5IdaSoHX744flaYKGp04QRZ108eZVTMuUirOKVwkikpEWE86nb5 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC2YYkns1j8D3pBY9CRmzP0ysUFwo8T17z+Fq3yoj6r60BdDEwCKQU6rarVptF10bExFFiXPtgLim1E7+6JiPM7JTkaOLPB2cTNGP9WZrMyyxBV6zSm98eZkaWSFwonXh+C5aGLPa1i5M/ujidC2KE8Wi44AZdFXRbJsi+TqxREcN3oJg2HjqB625tjz5hIHb20CSfp/CdKgyB+YqsNWbb1Yikl+NkdbMD4ey9geTKdQIHSEbHHe/TkIRKu/v/ElIktZS68a60bpTb6M1qJz7+mzAjEoGwF/+CUhmucmYIDe5Ajzksk9DmfDoTDCzvQRyudlFvFUhApNHhYtImdAJwH ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCuRoTSwwIFLv7xcQO5yRlEoTP3KobR40RWghMFWPSUQsE7VgPvH+aO6kfQ7HP1L7jVZXS2skwB1uccim/76D7Kth4Bh0Byd5gBEts5DhfHi0M8QIPn1+i5MRshArrZzZW5GoElwSND9jscjC+gdg88H2n6B06Zq+IyULwuEirxQY3cGBRhHt8Ogg7KhzVnXhlccUEArmw4LkJ6cVLsNvN0aFJJfq9htmdF49QMZdsvvhm5LejrcqSSS7PsGtlcS382KaTki4aB/e4tTRbm6qMoGIrTPJWRlwDKe6YB4IzVrPLuAxhP2fwa6gciSa7siS/FM2Mo/nIOmYGYJ9rXJmAR tasks: - install: branch: nautilus exclude_packages: - ceph-mgr-cephadm - cephadm - libcephfs-dev - print: '**** done installing nautilus' - ceph: conf: global: bluestore warn on no per pool omap: false bluestore_warn_on_legacy_statfs: false mon pg warn min per osd: 0 mon warn on pool no app: false log-ignorelist: - overall HEALTH_ - \(FS_ - \(MDS_ - \(OSD_ - \(MON_DOWN\) - \(CACHE_POOL_ - \(POOL_ - \(MGR_DOWN\) - \(PG_ - \(SMALLER_PGP_NUM\) - Monitor daemon marked osd - Behind on trimming - Manager daemon - Not found or unloadable - evicting unresponsive client - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client nautilus - print: '**** done ceph' - install.upgrade: mon.a: null mon.b: null mon.c: null - print: '**** done install.upgrade non-client hosts' - rgw: - client.1 - print: '**** done => started rgw client.1' - parallel: - workload - upgrade-sequence - print: '**** done parallel' - install.upgrade: client.0: null - print: '**** done install.upgrade on client.0' - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd require-osd-release octopus - ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client octopus - for f in `ceph osd pool ls` ; do ceph osd pool set $f pg_autoscale_mode off ; done - ceph.healthy: null - sequential: - ceph-fuse: null - print: '**** done ceph-fuse 4-final-workload' - workunit: clients: client.3: - suites/ - print: '**** done suites/ 4-final-workload' - rados: clients: - client.1 objects: 50 op_weights: delete: 50 read: 100 rollback: 50 snap_create: 50 snap_remove: 50 write: 100 ops: 4000 write_append_excl: false - print: '**** done rados 4-final-workload' - workunit: clients: client.1: - rados/ - print: '**** done rados/ 4-final-workload' - mon_thrash: revive_delay: 20 thrash_delay: 1 - print: '**** done mon_thrash 4-final-workload' - workunit: clients: client.1: - rados/ - print: '**** done rados/ 4-final-workload' - workunit: clients: client.1: - cls/ - print: '**** done cls/ 4-final-workload' - workunit: clients: client.1: - rbd/ env: RBD_CREATE_ARGS: --new-format - print: '**** done rbd/ 4-final-workload' - sequential: - rgw-final-workload - print: '**** done rgw 4-final-workload' teuthology_branch: master teuthology_sha1: 3082387bba74fcd24c9700593d10418152d53c97 timestamp: 2021-03-05_23:09:13 tube: gibba upgrade-sequence: sequential: - ceph.restart: daemons: - mon.a - mon.b - mon.c - mgr.x mon-health-to-clog: false wait-for-healthy: false - exec: mon.a: - ceph config set global mon_warn_on_msgr2_not_enabled false - ceph.healthy: null - ceph.restart: daemons: - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 - osd.8 - osd.9 - osd.10 - osd.11 wait-for-healthy: false wait-for-osds-up: true - ceph.restart: daemons: - mds.a - rgw.* wait-for-healthy: false wait-for-osds-up: true - print: '**** done ceph.restart all' user: sage verbose: false worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/dispatcher.gibba.26181 workload: full_sequential: - sequential: - ceph-fuse: null - print: '**** done ceph-fuse 2-workload' - workunit: clients: client.2: - suites/ - print: '**** done suites/ 2-workload' - rados: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true objects: 50 op_weights: append: 100 copy_from: 50 delete: 50 read: 100 rmattr: 25 rollback: 50 setattr: 25 snap_create: 50 snap_remove: 50 write: 0 ops: 4000 write_append_excl: false - print: '**** done rados ec task' - workunit: branch: nautilus clients: client.0: - cls - print: '**** done cls 2-workload' - workunit: branch: nautilus clients: client.0: - rados/ - print: '**** done rados/ 2-workload' - sequential: - ragweed: client.1: default-branch: ceph-pacific rgw_server: client.1 stages: prepare - print: '**** done rgw ragweed prepare 2-workload' - workunit: branch: nautilus clients: client.0: - rbd/ - print: '**** done rbd/ 2-workload' - workunit: branch: nautilus clients: client.0: - rbd/ - print: '**** done rbd/ 2-workload'