archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/sage-2021-03-23_02:00:05-upgrade:octopus-x-wip-sage-testing-2021-03-22-1729-distro-basic-gibba/5989358 branch: wip-sage-testing-2021-03-22-1729 description: upgrade:octopus-x/stress-split-no-cephadm/{0-cluster/{openstack start} 1-ceph-install/octopus 1.1-pg-log-overrides/normal_pg_log 2-partial-upgrade/firsthalf 3-thrash/default 4-workload/{radosbench rbd-cls rbd-import-export rbd_api readwrite rgw_ragweed_prepare snaps-few-objects} 5-finish-upgrade 6-pacific 7-msgr2 8-final-workload/{rbd-python snaps-many-objects} mon_election/classic objectstore/filestore-xfs thrashosds-health ubuntu_18.04} email: null first_in_suite: false job_id: '5989358' kernel: &id001 kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: gibba meta: - desc: 'Run ceph on two nodes, with a separate client-only node. Use xfs beneath the osds. ' - desc: install ceph/octopus latest - desc: 'install upgrade ceph/-x on 2/3 of cluster restart : mons, osd.0-7 ' - desc: 'randomly kill and revive osd small chance to increase the number of pgs ' - desc: 'run randomized correctness test for rados operations generate write load with rados bench ' - desc: 'run basic cls tests for rbd ' - desc: 'run basic import/export cli tests for rbd ' - desc: 'librbd C and C++ api tests ' - desc: 'randomized correctness test for rados operations on a replicated pool, using only reads, writes, and deletes ' - desc: 'rgw ragweed prepare before upgrade ' - desc: 'randomized correctness test for rados operations on a replicated pool with snapshot operations ' - desc: 'librbd python api tests ' - desc: 'randomized correctness test for rados operations on a replicated pool with snapshot operations ' name: sage-2021-03-23_02:00:05-upgrade:octopus-x-wip-sage-testing-2021-03-22-1729-distro-basic-gibba nuke-on-error: true openstack: - machine: disk: 100 - volumes: count: 4 size: 30 os_type: ubuntu os_version: '18.04' overrides: admin_socket: branch: wip-sage-testing-2021-03-22-1729 ceph: conf: client: rbd default clone format: 1 global: enable experimental unrecoverable data corrupting features: '*' mon election default strategy: 1 mon warn on msgr2 not enabled: false mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 mon warn on osd down out interval zero: false osd: debug ms: 1 debug osd: 20 osd max markdown count: 1000 osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true fs: xfs log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - overall HEALTH_ - \(MON_DOWN\) - \(MGR_DOWN\) - slow request - \(MON_MSGR2_NOT_ENABLED\) - but it is still running - wrongly marked me down - objects unfound and apparently lost - log bound mismatch - overall HEALTH_ - \(OSDMAP_FLAGS\) - \(OSD_ - \(PG_ - \(POOL_ - \(CACHE_POOL_ - \(SMALLER_PGP_NUM\) - \(OBJECT_ - \(SLOW_OPS\) - \(REQUEST_SLOW\) - \(TOO_FEW_PGS\) - slow request log-whitelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) mon_bind_addrvec: false mon_bind_msgr2: false sha1: 2eb41c8cf423d5fa60f0d2aef98e9bcb4641136d ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 osd: osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true filestore: true fs: xfs install: ceph: sha1: 2eb41c8cf423d5fa60f0d2aef98e9bcb4641136d workunit: branch: wip-sage-testing-2021-03-22-1729 sha1: 2eb41c8cf423d5fa60f0d2aef98e9bcb4641136d owner: scheduled_sage@teuthology priority: 70 repo: git:// roles: - - mon.a - mgr.x - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - - mon.b - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 - - mon.c - - osd.8 - osd.9 - osd.10 - osd.11 - - client.0 sha1: 2eb41c8cf423d5fa60f0d2aef98e9bcb4641136d sleep_before_teardown: 0 stress-tasks: - thrashosds: aggressive_pg_num_changes: false chance_force_recovery: 0 chance_pgnum_grow: 1 chance_pgpnum_fix: 1 chance_thrash_cluster_full: 0 chance_thrash_pg_upmap: 0 chance_thrash_pg_upmap_items: 0 disable_objectstore_tool_tests: true timeout: 1200 - print: '**** done thrashosds 3-thrash' - full_sequential: - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - radosbench: clients: - client.0 time: 90 - print: '**** done end radosbench.yaml' - workunit: branch: octopus clients: client.0: - cls/ - print: '**** done cls/ 5-workload' - workunit: branch: octopus clients: client.0: - rbd/ env: RBD_CREATE_ARGS: --new-format - print: '**** done rbd/ 5-workload' - workunit: branch: octopus clients: client.0: - rbd/ - print: '**** done rbd/ 7-workload' - full_sequential: - rados: clients: - client.0 objects: 500 op_weights: delete: 10 read: 45 write: 45 ops: 4000 write_append_excl: false - print: '**** done rados/readwrite 5-workload' - full_sequential: - sequential: - ragweed: client.0: default-branch: ceph-octopus rgw_server: client.0 stages: prepare - print: '**** done rgw ragweed prepare 4-workload' - full_sequential: - rados: clients: - client.0 objects: 50 op_weights: delete: 50 read: 100 rollback: 50 snap_create: 50 snap_remove: 50 write: 100 ops: 4000 write_append_excl: false - print: '**** done rados/snaps-few-objects 5-workload' suite: upgrade:octopus-x suite_branch: wip-sage-testing-2021-03-22-1729 suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph-c_2eb41c8cf423d5fa60f0d2aef98e9bcb4641136d/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: git:// suite_sha1: 2eb41c8cf423d5fa60f0d2aef98e9bcb4641136d targets: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsSOrRXO+TMgICT8bdldOtUCWiMnFx4/ZY7Ha4uhr6dYAiGV/9xqasD5gudsjbubXjDdYwIZyFdf4Ssk1PtT2Z7o3kfYeiHSfm7K3HHWl6mB3lbN341WL7yq38ojWnUT+nrMx3thSPGXaaOtc6WbRLOicthhiOKhphCfMeswplIInpfRxt+AS5ADKFh9zpyh26ybTtzxt3iPwi3Z1qh44Ttjhynv1cbkAK0RoEHSnW+iNWFSY5LNZszuf5OMcoQ9F3jxhieh8SPHl4chemTSBDcEFBmChP65+OxgCUffR2hosPlMCMPBp1aJzLdkbq045SIojzGQ1QTu+zEI2ripVh ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDFTfg5h7II9q0U5JZTfp7k3p84XGPSTzzBQc7aOmVqOci4ZVbEPjP8UpP1UvOYOuOiv0vYZ4NXPF23Ah8mWPdSQibap7shgnCoKc/Zovk2cuUzQzPSEBpMxFI4X9fASxdsZFSZXDVIaJm6eV9JvrUvBZxjmA0z4I/j9eB2Unx+auj1O8oaFQS5BOripRbW5SRH+uXYMJ0eqJOTk6w4Sfj1yk28yqVROErwv3104AX+ynw5BLVYJTUnK+92TIfPz2/5T8/zggkHvG7wo7zcVFPklKx3AHrsbrdJK1K+g0M6p3N7FP9x+Wmww9t8n4IxRoWq6Q2yZfxaskhRmEaUhN0j ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKyyPx/g0Q6sLtY5tzqrjLvcIarvYvQQYx+BRw8495zz8LCEdYzjQdld3v3E36qrRd7L2QOziBZ0wHsJ9WWqWC8k6Sz6YKofb5JGUp6DXdfbtZR+oF5eKfrGKp8sxRJetwVEPr1/jUyxHGMsoEFBV1QG31nsjTlIJ2pjlg6C1jIOKSavJja0wIRq7/uL/CzM/P+3KPMunb3ICkQqQe8GM2bHmnibaBKxQxZI3JpMKsu9zJzL65Ztj4GR0A1Wnfhf2Uno7CbpnoWFil/MJU6hnXkOUuxqW+pQ/OsPyhAfvZBylvQXDhDPZ4jMhfmtHztvxEYZDuiQVx+0AlXIAzU+I7 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRl00vdjjeXcbx7C0D3XwHLYTZX2N/j6nRBgoYdyAeqzdZrzo7dDB7eSOMYzE+Y78u1or+KzEU0CbZ3PUM//gH2y518Mg053wD+3t+VkHxl9WnUI/crWEQUstzCi6kXhKPTbdxThINDH3HuMOaELZz9a82TfICAcUrsG4s/69z4Y9No8cS/Kk17T0C1NKYZnyf9uZkkoRj9se105f5a5EucsKhQntDO7S9M55NaPh4czSvZOXlTFeePhoH6syWQkLAWpVTeb1g4hyFYgZCNeB0iYQ9pmYvDnIlqdAL/O9YLV8cgNaO/DWGIh2mPxvFXzVpB8xwN44yuXbvdz/95RUb ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCjpei9fONgcmAfUMBG6FaL/qBPZBIXRR7TsgxJrWC0Tip75eLKMWIQcDADxhqd3Q/tVK8GitrwQXOjDxOGWouNwx6DC02feVAy1oDI9QR0PvKvy772wGIZP5ljZ9xV9TbF0MrcuNOHqR3/OFA8kj5vZEvbnHMAwm7+mbe8HP62pp9nvGqKp1aMeoczHgVIGziLq5HNItAhcDwUZ6WXnbd6lx34fgmT6mrjXsEY8Up3VI89NzqyIS9AugZUZIZMbD+OxqNW3DG3xox+HKivtuJTURQRTqbaJDey2AXzgkasWyyc/XRXPvHFzr+Ui5CCPLBvPJ9WAcHVdhUSOp2s7H17 tasks: - internal.check_packages: null - internal.buildpackages_prep: null - internal.save_config: null - internal.check_lock: null - internal.add_remotes: null - console_log: null - internal.connect: null - internal.push_inventory: null - internal.serialize_remote_roles: null - internal.check_conflict: null - internal.check_ceph_data: null - internal.vm_setup: null - kernel: *id001 - internal.base: null - internal.archive_upload: null - internal.archive: null - internal.coredump: null - internal.sudo: null - internal.syslog: null - internal.timer: null - pcp: null - selinux: null - ansible.cephlab: null - clock: null - install: branch: octopus exclude_packages: - ceph-mgr-cephadm - cephadm - libcephfs-dev - print: '**** done install octopus' - ceph: conf: global: bluestore warn on no per pool omap: false bluestore_warn_on_legacy_statfs: false mon pg warn min per osd: 0 log-ignorelist: - Not found or unloadable - evicting unresponsive client - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd require-osd-release octopus - ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client octopus - print: '**** done ceph' - rgw: - client.0 - print: '**** done => started rgw client.0' - install.upgrade: mon.a: null mon.b: null mon.c: null - print: '**** done install.upgrade of first 3 nodes' - ceph.restart: daemons: - mon.a - mon.b - mgr.x - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 mon-health-to-clog: false - print: '**** done ceph.restart of all mons and 2/3 of osds' - parallel: - stress-tasks - install.upgrade: client.0: null extra_packages: - python3-rados - python3-rgw - python3-rbd - python3-cephfs osd.8: null - ceph.restart: daemons: - mon.c - osd.8 - osd.9 - osd.10 - osd.11 - rgw.* wait-for-healthy: false wait-for-osds-up: true - print: '**** done restarted/upgrated => mon.c, osd.8, osd.9, osd.10, osd.11, rgw.*' - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd set pglog_hardlimit - ceph osd dump --format=json-pretty | grep "flags" - ceph config set global mon_warn_on_msgr2_not_enabled false - print: '**** done try to set pglog_hardlimit again, should succeed' - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd require-osd-release pacific - ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client pacific - for f in `ceph osd pool ls` ; do ceph osd pool set $f pg_autoscale_mode off ; done - ceph.healthy: null - exec: mon.a: - ceph mon enable-msgr2 - ceph config rm global mon_warn_on_msgr2_not_enabled - ceph.healthy: null - workunit: clients: client.0: - rbd/ - print: '**** done rbd/' - rados: clients: - client.0 objects: 500 op_weights: delete: 50 read: 100 rollback: 50 snap_create: 50 snap_remove: 50 write: 100 ops: 4000 write_append_excl: false teuthology_branch: master teuthology_sha1: 6b3150e9e0aa7ca432e26f31d87920ebd77f3708 timestamp: 2021-03-23_02:00:05 tube: gibba user: sage verbose: false worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/dispatcher.gibba.15494