archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/teuthology-2020-05-18_02:01:03-rbd-master-distro-basic-smithi/5063748 branch: master description: rbd/mirror/{base/install.yaml clients/{mirror-extra.yaml mirror.yaml} cluster/{2-node.yaml openstack.yaml} msgr-failures/few.yaml objectstore/filestore-xfs.yaml supported-random-distro$/{ubuntu_latest.yaml} workloads/rbd-mirror-workunit-min-compat-client-octopus.yaml} email: first_in_suite: false job_id: '5063748' kernel: &id001 kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: smithi meta: - desc: run two ceph clusters and install rbd-mirror - desc: configure the permissions for client.mirror - desc: configure the permissions for client.mirror - desc: 2 ceph clusters with 1 mon and 3 osds each - desc: run the workunit to test the rbd-mirror daemon name: teuthology-2020-05-18_02:01:03-rbd-master-distro-basic-smithi nuke-on-error: true openstack: - volumes: count: 3 size: 30 os_type: ubuntu os_version: '20.04' overrides: admin_socket: branch: master ceph: conf: client: debug rbd: 20 debug rbd_mirror: 15 log to stderr: false rbd default features: 125 client.mirror.0: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.1: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.2: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.3: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.4: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.5: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.6: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ global: mon client directed command retry: 5 ms inject socket failures: 5000 mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 osd: debug filestore: 20 debug journal: 20 debug ms: 20 debug osd: 25 osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true fs: xfs log-whitelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - \(OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME sha1: 8aac5d278525c45468d753c3542a820226019dda ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 osd: osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true filestore: true fs: xfs install: ceph: sha1: 8aac5d278525c45468d753c3542a820226019dda workunit: branch: master sha1: 8aac5d278525c45468d753c3542a820226019dda owner: scheduled_teuthology@teuthology priority: 1000 repo: git:// roles: - - cluster1.mon.a - cluster1.mgr.x - cluster2.mgr.x - cluster1.osd.0 - cluster1.osd.1 - cluster1.osd.2 - cluster1.client.0 - cluster2.client.0 - - cluster2.mon.a - cluster2.osd.0 - cluster2.osd.1 - cluster2.osd.2 - cluster1.client.mirror - cluster1.client.mirror.0 - cluster1.client.mirror.1 - cluster1.client.mirror.2 - cluster1.client.mirror.3 - cluster1.client.mirror.4 - cluster1.client.mirror.5 - cluster1.client.mirror.6 - cluster2.client.mirror - cluster2.client.mirror.0 - cluster2.client.mirror.1 - cluster2.client.mirror.2 - cluster2.client.mirror.3 - cluster2.client.mirror.4 - cluster2.client.mirror.5 - cluster2.client.mirror.6 sha1: 8aac5d278525c45468d753c3542a820226019dda sleep_before_teardown: 0 suite: rbd suite_branch: master suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph_master/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: git:// suite_sha1: 8aac5d278525c45468d753c3542a820226019dda targets: ssh-rsa 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 ssh-rsa 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 tasks: - internal.check_packages: null - internal.buildpackages_prep: null - internal.lock_machines: - 2 - smithi - internal.save_config: null - internal.check_lock: null - internal.add_remotes: null - console_log: null - internal.connect: null - internal.push_inventory: null - internal.serialize_remote_roles: null - internal.check_conflict: null - internal.check_ceph_data: null - internal.vm_setup: null - kernel: *id001 - internal.base: null - internal.archive_upload: null - internal.archive: null - internal.coredump: null - internal.sudo: null - internal.syslog: null - internal.timer: null - kernel: *id001 - pcp: null - selinux: null - ansible.cephlab: null - clock: null - install: extra_packages: - rbd-mirror - ceph: cluster: cluster1 - ceph: cluster: cluster2 - exec: cluster1.client.mirror.0: - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.4 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.5 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.6 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.4 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.5 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.6 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - exec: cluster1.client.mirror.0: - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror mon 'profile rbd-mirror-peer' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.0 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.1 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.2 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.3 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror mon 'profile rbd-mirror-peer' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.0 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.1 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.2 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.3 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - workunit: clients: cluster1.client.mirror: - rbd/ env: CEPH_ARGS: '' RBD_MIRROR_MIN_COMPAT_CLIENT: octopus RBD_MIRROR_USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER: '1' teuthology_branch: master tube: smithi verbose: true worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/worker.smithi.22314