2020-10-08T14:39:57.240 INFO:root:teuthology version: 1.0.0-2cf4b81 2020-10-08T14:39:57.242 DEBUG:teuthology.run:Teuthology command: teuthology --verbose --description upgrade:nautilus-x/stress-split-erasure-code/{0-cluster/{openstack start} 1-nautilus-install/nautilus 1.1-pg-log-overrides/normal_pg_log 2-partial-upgrade/firsthalf 3-thrash/default 3.1-objectstore/filestore-xfs 4-ec-workload/{rados-ec-workload rbd-ec-workload} 5-finish-upgrade 6-octopus 7-final-workload mon_election/connectivity thrashosds-health ubuntu_18.04} --archive /home/teuthworker/archive/teuthology-2020-10-08_14:23:03-upgrade:nautilus-x-master-distro-basic-smithi/5506729 --block --name teuthology-2020-10-08_14:23:03-upgrade:nautilus-x-master-distro-basic-smithi --owner scheduled_teuthology@teuthology --lock -- /tmp/teuthology-worker.dniprq89.tmp 2020-10-08T14:39:57.296 DEBUG:teuthology.report:Pushing job info to http://paddles.front.sepia.ceph.com/ 2020-10-08T14:39:57.365 INFO:teuthology.run:Config: archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/teuthology-2020-10-08_14:23:03-upgrade:nautilus-x-master-distro-basic-smithi/5506729 branch: master description: upgrade:nautilus-x/stress-split-erasure-code/{0-cluster/{openstack start} 1-nautilus-install/nautilus 1.1-pg-log-overrides/normal_pg_log 2-partial-upgrade/firsthalf 3-thrash/default 3.1-objectstore/filestore-xfs 4-ec-workload/{rados-ec-workload rbd-ec-workload} 5-finish-upgrade 6-octopus 7-final-workload mon_election/connectivity thrashosds-health ubuntu_18.04} email: ceph-qa@ceph.io exclude_arch: armv7l first_in_suite: false job_id: '5506729' kernel: kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: smithi meta: - desc: 'Run ceph on two nodes, with a separate client-only node. Use xfs beneath the osds. ' - desc: install ceph/nautilus latest - desc: 'install upgrade ceph/-x on 2/3 of cluster restart : mons, osd.0-7 ' - desc: 'randomly kill and revive osd small chance to increase the number of pgs ' - desc: 'randomized correctness test for rados operations on an erasure coded pool ' - desc: 'run rbd tests on EC pool overrides => force bluestore since it''s required for ec-overwrite use an EC pool for rbd and run xfstests on top of it to verify correctness ' - desc: 'randomized correctness test for rados operations on an erasure coded pool using the jerasure plugin with k=3 and m=1 ' name: teuthology-2020-10-08_14:23:03-upgrade:nautilus-x-master-distro-basic-smithi nuke-on-error: true openstack: - machine: disk: 100 - volumes: count: 4 size: 30 os_type: ubuntu os_version: '18.04' overrides: admin_socket: branch: master ceph: conf: client: rbd default data pool: datapool global: enable experimental unrecoverable data corrupting features: '*' mon election default strategy: 3 mon warn on msgr2 not enabled: false mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 mon warn on osd down out interval zero: false osd: debug filestore: 20 debug journal: 20 debug ms: 20 debug osd: 25 osd max markdown count: 1000 osd objectstore: bluestore osd sloppy crc: true fs: xfs log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - overall HEALTH_ - \(MON_DOWN\) - \(MGR_DOWN\) - slow request - \(MON_MSGR2_NOT_ENABLED\) - but it is still running - wrongly marked me down - objects unfound and apparently lost - log bound mismatch - overall HEALTH_ - \(OSDMAP_FLAGS\) - \(OSD_ - \(PG_ - \(POOL_ - \(CACHE_POOL_ - \(SMALLER_PGP_NUM\) - \(OBJECT_ - \(SLOW_OPS\) - \(REQUEST_SLOW\) - \(TOO_FEW_PGS\) - slow request log-whitelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) mon_bind_addrvec: false mon_bind_msgr2: false sha1: 998149bef5502eaacf389436ce0c583b7cbf22c4 ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 osd: osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true filestore: true fs: xfs install: ceph: sha1: 998149bef5502eaacf389436ce0c583b7cbf22c4 thrashosds: bdev_inject_crash: 2 bdev_inject_crash_probability: 0.5 workunit: branch: master sha1: 98a8f533b83a282e1768fcaf2e0b44fc88cbe86d owner: scheduled_teuthology@teuthology priority: 70 repo: git://git.ceph.com/ceph.git roles: - - mon.a - mgr.x - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - - mon.b - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 - - mon.c - - osd.8 - osd.9 - osd.10 - osd.11 - - client.0 sha1: 998149bef5502eaacf389436ce0c583b7cbf22c4 sleep_before_teardown: 0 stress-tasks: - thrashosds: aggressive_pg_num_changes: false chance_force_recovery: 0 chance_pgnum_grow: 1 chance_pgpnum_fix: 1 chance_thrash_cluster_full: 0 chance_thrash_pg_upmap: 0 chance_thrash_pg_upmap_items: 0 disable_objectstore_tool_tests: true min_in: 4 timeout: 1200 - print: '**** done thrashosds 3-thrash' - rados: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true objects: 50 op_weights: append: 100 copy_from: 50 delete: 50 read: 100 rmattr: 25 rollback: 50 setattr: 25 snap_create: 50 snap_remove: 50 write: 0 ops: 4000 write_append_excl: false - print: '**** done rados ec task' suite: upgrade:nautilus-x suite_branch: master suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph_master/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: git://git.ceph.com/ceph.git suite_sha1: 98a8f533b83a282e1768fcaf2e0b44fc88cbe86d tasks: - install: branch: nautilus exclude_packages: - ceph-mgr-cephadm - cephadm - libcephfs-dev - print: '**** done install nautilus' - ceph: conf: global: bluestore warn on no per pool omap: false bluestore_warn_on_legacy_statfs: false mon pg warn min per osd: 0 log-ignorelist: - Not found or unloadable - evicting unresponsive client - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd require-osd-release nautilus - ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client nautilus - print: '**** done ceph' - rgw: - client.0 - print: '**** done => started rgw client.0' - install.upgrade: mon.a: null mon.b: null mon.c: null - print: '**** done install.upgrade of first 3 nodes' - ceph.restart: daemons: - mon.a - mon.b - mgr.x - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 mon-health-to-clog: false - print: '**** done ceph.restart of all mons and 2/3 of osds' - parallel: - stress-tasks - exec: client.0: - sudo ceph osd erasure-code-profile set teuthologyprofile crush-failure-domain=osd m=1 k=2 - sudo ceph osd pool create datapool 4 4 erasure teuthologyprofile - sudo ceph osd pool set datapool allow_ec_overwrites true - rbd pool init datapool - qemu: all: clone: true disks: 3 test: qa/run_xfstests_qemu.sh type: block - print: '**** done rbd/qemu ec task' - install.upgrade: client.0: null extra_packages: - python3-rados - python3-rgw - python3-rbd - python3-cephfs osd.8: null - ceph.restart: daemons: - mon.c - osd.8 - osd.9 - osd.10 - osd.11 - rgw.* wait-for-healthy: false wait-for-osds-up: true - print: '**** restarted/upgrated => mon.c, osd.8, osd.9, osd.10, osd.11, rgw.*' - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd set pglog_hardlimit - ceph osd dump --format=json-pretty | grep "flags" - ceph config set global mon_warn_on_msgr2_not_enabled false - print: '**** try to set pglog_hardlimit again, should succeed' - exec: osd.0: - ceph osd require-osd-release octopus - ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client octopus - for f in `ceph osd pool ls` ; do ceph osd pool set $f pg_autoscale_mode off ; done - ceph.healthy: null - rados: clients: - client.0 ec_pool: true erasure_code_profile: crush-failure-domain: osd k: 3 m: 1 name: jerasure31profile plugin: jerasure technique: reed_sol_van objects: 50 op_weights: append: 100 copy_from: 50 delete: 50 read: 100 rmattr: 25 rollback: 50 setattr: 25 snap_create: 50 snap_remove: 50 write: 0 ops: 4000 write_append_excl: false teuthology_branch: master timestamp: 2020-10-08_14:23:03 tube: smithi user: teuthology verbose: true worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/worker.smithi.2790 2020-10-08T14:39:57.366 INFO:teuthology.run:suite_path is set to /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph_master/qa; will attempt to use it 2020-10-08T14:39:57.367 INFO:teuthology.run:Found tasks at /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph_master/qa/tasks 2020-10-08T14:39:57.367 INFO:teuthology.run_tasks:Running task internal.check_packages... 2020-10-08T14:39:57.369 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:Checking packages... 2020-10-08T14:39:57.388 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:Checking packages for os_type 'ubuntu', flavor 'basic' and ceph hash '998149bef5502eaacf389436ce0c583b7cbf22c4' 2020-10-08T14:39:57.389 WARNING:teuthology.packaging:More than one of ref, tag, branch, or sha1 supplied; using branch 2020-10-08T14:39:57.389 INFO:teuthology.packaging:ref: None 2020-10-08T14:39:57.390 INFO:teuthology.packaging:tag: None 2020-10-08T14:39:57.390 INFO:teuthology.packaging:branch: master 2020-10-08T14:39:57.390 INFO:teuthology.packaging:sha1: 998149bef5502eaacf389436ce0c583b7cbf22c4 2020-10-08T14:39:57.390 DEBUG:teuthology.packaging:Querying https://shaman.ceph.com/api/search?status=ready&project=ceph&flavor=default&distros=ubuntu%2F18.04%2Fx86_64&ref=master 2020-10-08T14:39:58.015 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:Found packages for ceph version 16.0.0-6191-g998149be-1bionic 2020-10-08T14:39:58.016 INFO:teuthology.run_tasks:Running task internal.buildpackages_prep... 2020-10-08T14:39:58.037 INFO:teuthology.task.internal:no buildpackages task found 2020-10-08T14:39:58.037 INFO:teuthology.run_tasks:Running task internal.lock_machines... 2020-10-08T14:39:58.092 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:Locking machines... 2020-10-08T14:39:58.093 DEBUG:teuthology.report:Pushing job info to http://paddles.front.sepia.ceph.com/ 2020-10-08T14:39:58.144 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:40:08.162 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:40:18.179 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:40:28.197 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:40:38.214 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:40:48.232 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:40:58.246 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:41:08.263 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:41:18.279 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:41:28.294 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:41:38.312 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T14:41:48.326 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:41:58.344 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:42:08.361 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:42:18.378 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:42:28.394 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:42:38.406 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:42:48.424 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:42:58.443 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:43:08.454 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:43:18.471 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:43:28.488 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:43:38.505 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:43:48.521 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:43:58.538 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:44:08.555 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:44:18.572 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:44:28.586 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:44:38.602 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:44:48.619 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:44:58.629 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:45:08.647 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:45:18.664 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:45:28.679 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:45:38.695 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:45:48.712 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:45:58.727 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:46:08.741 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:46:18.788 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:46:28.806 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:46:38.818 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:46:48.835 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:46:58.851 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T14:47:08.865 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T14:47:18.882 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T14:47:28.901 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T14:47:38.917 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:47:48.933 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T14:47:58.949 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:48:08.967 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:48:18.982 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:48:29.000 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:48:39.014 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:48:49.030 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:48:59.046 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:49:09.059 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:49:19.075 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:49:29.092 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:49:39.111 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:49:49.127 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:49:59.142 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:50:09.162 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:50:19.178 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:50:29.194 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:50:39.209 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:50:49.228 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:50:59.244 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:51:09.262 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T14:51:19.277 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:51:29.290 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:51:39.307 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:51:49.324 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:51:59.341 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:52:09.358 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:52:19.367 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:52:29.378 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:52:39.394 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:52:49.414 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:52:59.429 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:53:09.447 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:53:19.460 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:53:29.484 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:53:39.502 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:53:49.517 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:53:59.534 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:54:09.550 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:54:19.565 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:54:29.582 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:54:39.598 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:54:49.613 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:54:59.630 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:55:09.640 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:55:19.658 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:55:29.669 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:55:39.686 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:55:49.702 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:55:59.718 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:56:09.739 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:56:19.759 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:56:29.778 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:56:39.794 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:56:49.810 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:56:59.828 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:57:09.842 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:57:19.860 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:57:29.878 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:57:39.893 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:57:49.903 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:57:59.918 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:58:09.935 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:58:19.954 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:58:29.970 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:58:39.988 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:58:50.006 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:59:00.016 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:59:10.031 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:59:20.046 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:59:30.064 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:59:40.080 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T14:59:50.095 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:00:00.111 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:00:10.138 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:00:20.154 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:00:30.171 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:00:40.185 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:00:50.203 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:01:00.221 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:01:10.236 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:01:20.250 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:01:30.263 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:01:40.278 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:01:50.297 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:02:00.306 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:02:10.323 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:02:20.341 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:02:30.359 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:02:40.376 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:02:50.389 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:03:00.410 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:03:10.429 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:03:20.440 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:03:30.450 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:03:40.468 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:03:50.486 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:04:00.496 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:04:10.510 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:04:20.528 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:04:30.546 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:04:40.565 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:04:50.582 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:05:00.599 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:05:10.617 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:05:20.636 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:05:30.653 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:05:40.672 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:05:50.689 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:06:00.706 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:06:10.726 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:06:20.743 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:06:30.762 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:06:40.780 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:06:50.798 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:07:00.817 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:07:10.831 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:07:20.847 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:07:30.863 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T15:07:40.881 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:07:50.896 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:08:00.909 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:08:10.918 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:08:20.933 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:08:30.951 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:08:40.966 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:08:50.982 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:09:01.002 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:09:11.020 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:09:21.038 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:09:31.054 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:09:41.073 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:09:51.119 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:10:01.136 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:10:11.155 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:10:21.171 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:10:31.187 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:10:41.206 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:10:51.223 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:11:01.240 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:11:11.259 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:11:21.271 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:11:31.281 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T15:11:41.299 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:11:51.315 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:12:01.338 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:12:11.358 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:12:21.374 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:12:31.391 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:12:41.409 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:12:51.422 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:13:01.439 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:13:11.455 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:13:21.471 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:13:31.489 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:13:41.506 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:13:51.555 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:14:01.571 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:14:11.614 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:14:21.630 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:14:31.647 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:14:41.661 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:14:51.677 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:15:01.693 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:15:11.715 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:15:21.736 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:15:31.749 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:15:41.807 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:15:51.820 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:16:01.837 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:16:11.855 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:16:21.874 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:16:31.890 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:16:41.908 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:16:51.922 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:17:01.939 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:17:11.956 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:17:21.972 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:17:31.981 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:17:42.003 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:17:52.019 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:18:02.034 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:18:12.049 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:18:22.065 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:18:32.081 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:18:42.097 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:18:52.119 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:19:02.137 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:19:12.154 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:19:22.169 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:19:32.186 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:19:42.203 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:19:52.215 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:20:02.229 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:20:12.246 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:20:22.265 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:20:32.282 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:20:42.314 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:20:52.330 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:21:02.355 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:21:12.365 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:21:22.381 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:21:32.397 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:21:42.412 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:21:52.429 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:22:02.446 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:22:12.460 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:22:22.477 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:22:32.493 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:22:42.508 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:22:52.521 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:23:02.567 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T15:23:12.582 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:23:22.597 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T15:23:32.607 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 2)... 2020-10-08T15:23:42.622 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:23:52.637 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:24:02.655 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:24:12.669 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:24:22.685 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:24:32.702 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 1)... 2020-10-08T15:24:42.717 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T15:24:52.733 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T15:25:02.750 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 3)... 2020-10-08T15:25:12.767 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:25:22.826 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:25:32.845 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:25:42.870 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:25:52.885 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:26:02.902 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:26:12.920 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:26:22.933 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:26:32.949 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:26:42.963 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:26:52.980 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:27:02.998 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:27:13.014 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:27:23.030 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:27:33.047 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:27:43.064 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:27:53.088 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)... 2020-10-08T15:28:03.102 INFO:teuthology.task.internal.lock_machines:waiting for more smithi machines to be free (need 0 + 5, have 0)...