2020-12-14T05:55:44.943 INFO:root:teuthology version: 1.0.0-a4989a90 2020-12-14T05:55:44.946 INFO:teuthology.results:seed: '6018' 2020-12-14T08:10:34.283 INFO:root:teuthology version: 1.0.0-a4989a90 2020-12-14T08:10:34.354 INFO:teuthology.results:Waiting up to 43200 seconds for tests to finish... 2020-12-14T11:04:37.672 INFO:teuthology.results:Tests finished! gathering results... 2020-12-14T11:04:43.998 INFO:scrape:Found 32 jobs 2020-12-14T11:04:53.163 INFO:scrape:Found 6 distinct failure reasons 2020-12-14T11:04:53.164 INFO:scrape:Failure: {'Failure object was': {'mira065.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.642152', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027764', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.614388', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.824499', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028059', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.796440', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.035816', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029633', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.006183', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.209274', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027469', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.181805', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.377695', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.026954', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.350741', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.546292', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.519260', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.027032', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdg', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdg'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.715492', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.025225', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.690267', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} 2020-12-14T11:04:53.165 INFO:scrape:1 jobs: ['5707156'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.165 INFO:scrape:suites: ['ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node', 'config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off', 'distros/ubuntu_latest', 'python_versions/python_2', 'tasks/ceph-admin-commands}'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.166 INFO:scrape: 2020-12-14T11:04:53.166 INFO:scrape:Failure: {'Failure object was': {'mira088.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.211500', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029541', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.181959', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.384066', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031050', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.353016', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.554650', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdd" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdd', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.523151', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdd is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdd of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031499', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdd', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdd" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdd is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdd of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdd', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdd'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.729721', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.698400', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tpSTfr-0WH0-R0sO-w2Uh-Fccj-GbJn-59X2KE not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031321', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tpSTfr-0WH0-R0sO-w2Uh-Fccj-GbJn-59X2KE not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sde', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sde'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.897595', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029201', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.868394', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.062303', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.024446', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.037857', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.237533', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028279', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.209254', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} 2020-12-14T11:04:53.167 INFO:scrape:2 jobs: ['5707168', '5707158'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.167 INFO:scrape:suites intersection: ['ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node', 'distros/ubuntu_latest', 'tasks/rbd_import_export}'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.168 INFO:scrape:suites union: ['ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node', 'config/ceph_volume_bluestore', 'config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off', 'distros/ubuntu_latest', 'python_versions/python_2', 'python_versions/python_3', 'tasks/rbd_import_export}'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.168 INFO:scrape: 2020-12-14T11:04:53.169 INFO:scrape:Failure: reached maximum tries (100) after waiting for 600 seconds 2020-12-14T11:04:53.169 INFO:scrape:1 jobs: ['5707141'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.169 INFO:scrape: 2020-12-14T11:04:53.170 INFO:scrape:Failure: {'Failure object was': {'mira101.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.239346', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028144', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.211202', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.420005', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.030178', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.389827', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.611656', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029516', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.582140', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.799433', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.769154', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.030279', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sde', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sde'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.976661', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027277', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.949384', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.147413', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028672', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.118741', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.318901', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.026598', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.292303', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} 2020-12-14T11:04:53.170 INFO:scrape:1 jobs: ['5707164'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.171 INFO:scrape:suites: ['ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node', 'config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off', 'distros/ubuntu_latest', 'python_versions/python_3', 'tasks/ceph-admin-commands}'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.171 INFO:scrape: 2020-12-14T11:04:53.172 INFO:scrape:Failure: {'Failure object was': {'mira057.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.447156', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029670', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.417486', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.656472', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031516', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.624956', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.831328', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031665', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.799663', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.997773', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027001', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.970772', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.236885', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.030743', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.206142', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.444810', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.414453', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.030357', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdg', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdg'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.624643', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027151', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.597492', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} 2020-12-14T11:04:53.172 INFO:scrape:1 jobs: ['5707151'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.173 INFO:scrape:suites: ['ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node', 'config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt', 'distros/ubuntu_latest', 'python_versions/python_2', 'tasks/ceph-admin-commands}'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.173 INFO:scrape: 2020-12-14T11:04:53.174 INFO:scrape:Failure: {'Failure object was': {'mira026.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.361030', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031026', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.330004', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.538713', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.033613', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.505100', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.713695', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.032851', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.680844', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.890950', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.858291', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.032659', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sde', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sde'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.061782', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.029926', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh-aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031856', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh-aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdf', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdf'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.234059', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.200892', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh-aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV StZoLM-Fvke-1KjC-KCTS-XM2c-Qcck-b6vrk2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.033167', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh-aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV StZoLM-Fvke-1KjC-KCTS-XM2c-Qcck-b6vrk2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdg', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdg'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.412097', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028094', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.384003', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} 2020-12-14T11:04:53.174 INFO:scrape:1 jobs: ['5707139'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.175 INFO:scrape:suites: ['ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node', 'config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt', 'distros/ubuntu_latest', 'python_versions/python_3', 'tasks/rbd_import_export}'] 2020-12-14T11:04:53.175 INFO:scrape: 2020-12-14T11:04:53.176 INFO:teuthology.results:Sending results to ceph-qa@ceph.io: Test Run: teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira ================================================================= info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/ logs: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/ failed: 0 dead: 7 running: 0 waiting: 0 queued: 0 passed: 25 Dead ================================================================= [5707139] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} ----------------------------------------------------------------- time: 00:03:50 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707139/ log: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707139/ sentry: https://sentry.ceph.com/organizations/ceph/?query=d378cf2ec7284326a57624c2efb3b845 {'Failure object was': {'mira026.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.361030', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031026', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.330004', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd- AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.538713', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.033613', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.505100', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd- AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.713695', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.032851', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.680844', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd- AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.890950', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:42.858291', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.032659', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sde', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sde'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.061782', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.029926', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX- NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr-uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh- aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031856', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh-aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD- nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdf', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdf'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.234059', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.200892', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh-aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV StZoLM-Fvke-1KjC-KCTS- XM2c-Qcck-b6vrk2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.033167', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV XcKR2n-h4Ts-d95o-jupF-W2eq-4Ho5-0mIgEZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ovG0sp-BTSe-GtwX-NAq0-rwDO-pzAV-1S8eF2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 8xO8Gq-AlJr- uSKH-bpmd-AHvK-yrMS-DWNfSQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV IYQTol-jJUq-KQ89-Vkii-xDdh-aU8A-QkLkmR not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV StZoLM-Fvke-1KjC-KCTS- XM2c-Qcck-b6vrk2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfzS6p-F3rR-TI64-UOWl-1i37-ejAD-nztW7S not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdg', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdg'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.412097', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028094', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 06:11:43.384003', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm- ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/l ib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_te uthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthw orker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teut hology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ce ph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} [5707141] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} ----------------------------------------------------------------- time: 00:00:00 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707141/ log: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707141/ sentry: https://sentry.ceph.com/organizations/ceph/?query=b58f43d2103e42d28cb6280803167961 reached maximum tries (100) after waiting for 600 seconds [5707151] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} ----------------------------------------------------------------- time: 00:04:04 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707151/ log: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707151/ sentry: https://sentry.ceph.com/organizations/ceph/?query=f5a79019779c400b98dbfe2d029d0ae2 {'Failure object was': {'mira057.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.447156', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029670', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp- ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI- RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX- ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.417486', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ- jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy- CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS- RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.656472', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031516', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp- ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI- RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX- ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.624956', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ- jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy- CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS- RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.831328', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031665', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp- ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI- RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX- ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.799663', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ- jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy- CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS- RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.997773', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027001', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp- ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI- RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX- ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:43.970772', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ- jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy- CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS- RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.236885', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.030743', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp- ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI- RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX- ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.206142', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ- jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI-RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy- CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX-ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS- RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.444810', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.414453', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp- ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI- RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX- ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.030357', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV m3kQ38-9bxp-ep2w-2mEJ-jD41-LmJ8-52Q0i9 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7WftFg-S1O0-otYX-kHAz-GLIf-HIx6-6nIaD3 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV i027kX-hMgI- RB1r-t25J-X7m2-xmku-x04RCO not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV PkNWW6-UJuy-CALG-m3UD-o7Fd-iF6K-aJsmXT not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0166NX-ZQ47-jhs9-zNVX- ulw7-gk7Q-xbTzpJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV Z0jD8W-ub1V-eceI-SnNJ-XbSf-gWfS-RprhpQ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdg', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdg'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.624643', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027151', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 08:47:44.597492', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm- ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/l ib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_te uthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthw orker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teut hology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ce ph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} [5707156] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} ----------------------------------------------------------------- time: 00:03:52 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707156/ log: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707156/ sentry: https://sentry.ceph.com/organizations/ceph/?query=cfa9898156d54bbe9c55a5fc4055363e {'Failure object was': {'mira065.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.642152', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027764', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk- aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO- iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.614388', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF- ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK- yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV- RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.824499', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028059', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk- aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO- iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:07.796440', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF- ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK- yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV- RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.035816', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029633', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk- aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO- iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.006183', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF- ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK- yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV- RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.209274', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027469', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk- aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO- iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.181805', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF- ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK- yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV- RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.377695', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.026954', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk- aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO- iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.350741', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF- ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk-aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK- yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO-iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV- RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.546292', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.519260', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk- aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO- iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.027032', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdg', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV CAlJ3x-vJC2-GJz9-6zMV-d9EF-ejNc-3O3bnI not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV nLU3xQ-T8NJ-vgac-Aj8r-AZ4o-8TPu-3M0fml not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 7RBUs1-dCNk- aFEe-UVky-QUsu-wdQs-yaC9Gj not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV bvldS3-cs6P-5PhK-yN4Y-Wr4G-7nd3-l0xIx2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 0riQXO-8aUr-dYfC-vqDg-th4K-7lPO- iUxu3l not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QfVa5Z-1EQy-ufn4-dCOk-fMVG-86SV-RC0kHM not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdg is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdg of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdg', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdg'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.715492', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.025225', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 07:32:08.690267', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm- ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/l ib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_te uthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthw orker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teut hology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ce ph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} [5707158] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} ----------------------------------------------------------------- time: 00:03:48 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707158/ log: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707158/ sentry: https://sentry.ceph.com/organizations/ceph/?query=51000abe6b79496d8963a1e4a50883ce {'Failure object was': {'mira117.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.364016', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031551', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD- XKdX-2PiK-2XtF-help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs-JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY- gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ-eBCy-zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL-cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.332465', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD-XKdX-2PiK-2XtF-help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs-JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY- gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ-eBCy-zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL-cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.536748', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.032618', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD-XKdX-2PiK-2XtF-help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs-JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY-gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ- eBCy-zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL-cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.504130', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD-XKdX-2PiK-2XtF- help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs-JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY-gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ- eBCy-zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL-cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.707902', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029737', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD-XKdX-2PiK-2XtF-help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs- JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY-gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ-eBCy-zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL- cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.678165', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD-XKdX-2PiK-2XtF- help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs-JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY-gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ- eBCy-zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL-cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.882294', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:01:53.850049', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD- XKdX-2PiK-2XtF-help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs-JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY- gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ-eBCy-zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL-cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.032245', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV d6QBcD-XKdX-2PiK-2XtF-help-r5d0-j1mwnP not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV CCwEGx-539O-1lu9-g52X-L1Ng-vM54-yHMcrA not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV QIh1Rs-JpY0-ur2Z-MdyY-gReo-7LYT-LrIBMz not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV OKsKjK-quRZ-eBCy- zn34-EoSl-jjyL-n1t20X not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV rcK0mL-cpD9-9u7L-PSPj-0mgb-GW4n-lH4kHY not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sde', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sde'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:01:54.054247', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.026673', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:01:54.027574', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:01:54.220149', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.026705', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:01:54.193444', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm- ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/l ib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_te uthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthw orker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teut hology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ce ph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} [5707164] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} ----------------------------------------------------------------- time: 00:03:49 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707164/ log: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707164/ sentry: https://sentry.ceph.com/organizations/ceph/?query=74559d52e6c447c28da1b2c1d24d4521 {'Failure object was': {'mira101.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.239346', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028144', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw- kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR- GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb- gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.211202', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS- eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP- uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.420005', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.030178', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX- jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb- gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.389827', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS- eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP- uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.611656', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029516', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX- jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb- gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.582140', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS- eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX-jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP- uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb-gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.799433', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.769154', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX- jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb- gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.030279', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV PTsb9H-nu87-Kehw-kM4N-9qMS-eJZ0-6Coia1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV SLq3WH-GyL0-fEwT-aGnd-qu2l-Zq43-j8twJy not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV ksMoXE-MyCX- jwPR-GTVL-5wEd-1yda-m6lPXH not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV EPhnFK-0bn6-kNZP-uAoA-4o8K-Myn0-fkLXrg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9HT06v-fqkW-vn24-8KCZ-odjY-q0zb- gNxitg not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV TtOuXD-2Q3E-Afdf-n848-CE6u-dZ1O-C9WUzJ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sde', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sde'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.976661', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027277', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:17.949384', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.147413', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028672', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.118741', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.318901', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.026598', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 09:46:18.292303', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm- ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/l ib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_te uthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthw orker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teut hology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ce ph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} [5707168] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} ----------------------------------------------------------------- time: 00:03:52 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707168/ log: http://qa-proxy.ceph.com/teuthology/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707168/ sentry: https://sentry.ceph.com/organizations/ceph/?query=0d2bd187350c4e07bf913cd2edb36d2c {'Failure object was': {'mira088.front.sepia.ceph.com': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.211500', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029541', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL- rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go- RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.181959', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA- Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT- FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.384066', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031050', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL- rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go- RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.353016', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA- Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT- FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.554650', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdd" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdd', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.523151', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL- rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go- RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdd is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdd of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031499', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdd', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdd" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX- LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc- Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdd is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdd of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdd', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdd'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.729721', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.698400', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt- GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tpSTfr-0WH0-R0sO-w2Uh-Fccj-GbJn-59X2KE not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM- iSBx-xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031321', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sde', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sde" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV W4Cl5H-EL29-33gL-rm6K-6tZ5-OTeL-gKSSl4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV zKuOpI-8oES-b495-ogUX-LWhK-Vqyt-GjFZB1 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tpSTfr-0WH0-R0sO-w2Uh-Fccj-GbJn-59X2KE not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV 9LFXM4-RQxA-Upu4-CJCl-U0Go-RbZS-L3HY7Y not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV RJcc6H-82LM-iSBx- xM3x-4wu5-KfHo-S5JyyN not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV tm2Sg3-abtc-Awrs-MXif-V83P-NBpT-FNZBN4 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sde is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sde of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sde', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sde'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.897595', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.029201', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:02.868394', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.062303', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.024446', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.037857', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.237533', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028279', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-12-14 10:42:03.209254', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm- ansible_master/callback_plugins/failure_log.py", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com _git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/l ib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_te uthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthw orker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teut hology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/s rc/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\'tag:yaml.org,2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthwo rker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_gi t_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ce ph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site- packages/yaml/representer.py", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '[unknown]')"} Pass ================================================================= [5707138] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:27:43 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707138/ [5707140] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:27:35 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707140/ [5707142] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:27:40 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707142/ [5707143] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:18:47 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707143/ [5707144] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:26:36 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707144/ [5707145] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:20:21 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707145/ [5707146] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:26:36 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707146/ [5707147] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:19:13 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707147/ [5707148] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:27:17 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707148/ [5707149] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:20:01 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707149/ [5707150] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:26:45 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707150/ [5707152] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:27:33 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707152/ [5707153] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:20:11 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707153/ [5707154] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:19:04 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707154/ [5707155] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:27:29 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707155/ [5707157] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:27:24 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707157/ [5707159] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:26:17 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707159/ [5707160] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_dmcrypt_off distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:19:45 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707160/ [5707161] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:27:02 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707161/ [5707162] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:18:37 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707162/ [5707163] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:26:38 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707163/ [5707165] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:28:05 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707165/ [5707166] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export} time: 00:19:10 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707166/ [5707167] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_bluestore_dmcrypt distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:26:17 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707167/ [5707169] ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/centos_latest python_versions/python_2 tasks/ceph-admin-commands} time: 00:27:31 info: http://pulpito.ceph.com/teuthology-2020-12-14_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5707169/