archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/teuthology-2021-10-04_02:01:03-rbd-master-distro-basic-gibba/6419860 branch: master description: rbd/mirror/{base/install clients/{mirror-extra mirror} cluster/{2-node openstack} msgr-failures/few objectstore/bluestore-comp-zlib supported-random-distro$/{} workloads/rbd-mirror-journal-bootstrap-workunit} email: first_in_suite: false job_id: '6419860' kernel: kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: gibba meta: - desc: run two ceph clusters and install rbd-mirror - desc: configure the permissions for client.mirror - desc: configure the permissions for client.mirror - desc: 2 ceph clusters with 1 mon and 3 osds each - desc: run the workunit to test the rbd-mirror daemon name: teuthology-2021-10-04_02:01:03-rbd-master-distro-basic-gibba nuke-on-error: true openstack: - volumes: count: 3 size: 30 os_type: centos os_version: overrides: admin_socket: branch: master ceph: conf: client: debug rbd: 20 debug rbd_mirror: 15 log to stderr: false rbd default features: 125 client.mirror.0: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.1: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.2: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.3: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.4: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.5: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ client.mirror.6: admin socket: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$name.asok pid file: /var/run/ceph/rbd-mirror.$cluster-$ global: mon client directed command retry: 5 ms inject socket failures: 5000 mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 osd: bluestore block size: 96636764160 bluestore compression algorithm: zlib bluestore compression mode: aggressive bluestore fsck on mount: true debug bluefs: 1/20 debug bluestore: 1/20 debug ms: 1 debug osd: 20 debug rocksdb: 4/10 mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85 mon osd full ratio: 0.9 mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8 osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95 osd objectstore: bluestore fs: xfs log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - \(OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME log-whitelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) sha1: 0bc19b54492bc2552104b2c8888a99c65a83afbf ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 install: ceph: sha1: 0bc19b54492bc2552104b2c8888a99c65a83afbf selinux: whitelist: - scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0 thrashosds: bdev_inject_crash: 2 bdev_inject_crash_probability: 0.5 workunit: branch: master sha1: 0bc19b54492bc2552104b2c8888a99c65a83afbf owner: scheduled_teuthology@teuthology priority: 1000 repo: roles: - - cluster1.mon.a - cluster1.mgr.x - cluster2.mgr.x - cluster1.osd.0 - cluster1.osd.1 - cluster1.osd.2 - cluster1.client.0 - cluster2.client.0 - - cluster2.mon.a - cluster2.osd.0 - cluster2.osd.1 - cluster2.osd.2 - cluster1.client.mirror - cluster1.client.mirror.0 - cluster1.client.mirror.1 - cluster1.client.mirror.2 - cluster1.client.mirror.3 - cluster1.client.mirror.4 - cluster1.client.mirror.5 - cluster1.client.mirror.6 - cluster2.client.mirror - cluster2.client.mirror.0 - cluster2.client.mirror.1 - cluster2.client.mirror.2 - cluster2.client.mirror.3 - cluster2.client.mirror.4 - cluster2.client.mirror.5 - cluster2.client.mirror.6 sha1: 0bc19b54492bc2552104b2c8888a99c65a83afbf sleep_before_teardown: 0 suite: rbd suite_branch: master suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/github.com_ceph_ceph_0bc19b54492bc2552104b2c8888a99c65a83afbf/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: suite_sha1: 0bc19b54492bc2552104b2c8888a99c65a83afbf targets: ssh-rsa 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 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCuP/YPW6o1p0xim4/1tOv5aDL44qSAbVCPhwX5HTR6aHo8e0XWIL19AYIQAi+tjmJgHDipuBmlEQm7bF9dDPIlzEbjRJscGdp76RsWKmTwyDdRPHs3YidKxAffYwwgvkmCx7yCDUWUrlYryN7BwmshNtNaTf+vdL8d77QYA4YRGs96qWiIinrUF6X/ARoW1IaP+n7I0S+qDcZvyKV1AJGIKKMAZo3kLZEF0Ayi8k0MgVuQl+zoEHl/EoEPwrLHayjpF9i7dTMIB6CAdfu3rF9ex6bVjrhqb0dZmbbQCqFAm+Ity5vEAH6oS3M5MlOJCsHZFpI9PYN4gakR21b543+d tasks: - install: extra_packages: - rbd-mirror - ceph: cluster: cluster1 - ceph: cluster: cluster2 - exec: cluster1.client.mirror.0: - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.4 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.5 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.6 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.4 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.5 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.6 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - exec: cluster1.client.mirror.0: - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror mon 'profile rbd-mirror-peer' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.0 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.1 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.2 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster1 auth caps client.mirror.3 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror mon 'profile rbd-mirror-peer' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.0 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.1 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.2 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - sudo ceph --cluster cluster2 auth caps client.mirror.3 mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd' - workunit: clients: cluster1.client.mirror: - rbd/ env: CEPH_ARGS: '' MIRROR_IMAGE_MODE: journal MIRROR_POOL_MODE: pool RBD_MIRROR_INSTANCES: '1' RBD_MIRROR_USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER: '1' teuthology_branch: master teuthology_sha1: f08b273eeec75318a83a4e8d7fb51841e4d71be0 timestamp: 2021-10-04_02:01:03 tube: gibba user: teuthology verbose: true worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/dispatcher.gibba.24936