Found 222 jobs Missing teuthology log /home/teuthworker/archive/teuthology-2022-06-17_05:17:02-krbd-pacific-testing-default-smithi/6883939/teuthology.log Found 7 distinct failure reasons Failure: Failed to fetch package version from 1 jobs: ['6883861'] suites: ['clusters/separate-client', 'conf', 'filestore-xfs', 'kernels/pre-single-major', 'krbd/unmap/{ceph/ceph', 'tasks/unmap}'] Dead: None 1 jobs: ['6883939'] Failure: Command failed on smithi181 with status 1: "/usr/bin/sudo TESTDIR=/home/ubuntu/cephtest adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/cephtest/ -c 1 -f ext4 -t /dev/rbd0 -s /dev/rbd1 -x /tmp/excludewy7hr7vo -r -- '-g auto -g blockdev -x clone'" 2 jobs: ['6883971', '6883859'] suites intersection: ['conf', 'krbd/singleton/{bluestore-bitmap', 'ms_mode$/{secure}', 'tasks/rbd_xfstests}'] suites union: ['conf', 'krbd/singleton/{bluestore-bitmap', 'ms_mode$/{secure}', 'msgr-failures/few', 'msgr-failures/many', 'tasks/rbd_xfstests}'] Timeout 3h running clone.client.0/qa/workunits/rbd/ 1 jobs: ['6884064'] suites: ['clusters/fixed-3', 'conf', 'install/ceph', 'krbd/rbd-nomount/{bluestore-bitmap', 'ms_mode/secure', 'msgr-failures/many', 'tasks/rbd_concurrent}'] Failure: Command failed on smithi160 with status 128: 'cd /lib/firmware/updates && sudo git fetch origin && sudo git reset --hard origin/main' 1 jobs: ['6883998'] suites: ['clusters/fixed-3', 'conf', 'install/ceph', 'krbd/rbd-nomount/{bluestore-bitmap', 'ms_mode/legacy$/{legacy}', 'msgr-failures/few', 'tasks/rbd_kernel}'] Failure: "2022-06-17T06:23:15.904025+0000 osd.3 (osd.3) 3 : cluster [WRN] 1 slow requests (by type [ 'waiting for sub ops' : 1 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 1 ])" in cluster log 1 jobs: ['6883902'] suites: ['clusters/fixed-3', 'conf', 'krbd/rbd/{bluestore-bitmap', 'ms_mode/legacy$/{legacy-rxbounce}', 'msgr-failures/many', 'tasks/rbd_workunit_suites_dbench}'] Failure: Command failed on smithi203 with status 120: 'sudo adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage ceph_test_librbd_fsx --cluster ceph --id 0 -d -W -R -p 100 -P /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive -r 512 -w 512 -t 512 -h 512 -l 250000000 -S 0 -N 10000 -K -U pool_client.0 image_client.0' 1 jobs: ['6883959'] suites: ['clusters/3-node', 'conf', 'features/object-map', 'krbd/fsx/{ceph/ceph', 'ms_mode$/{crc-rxbounce}', 'objectstore/bluestore-bitmap', 'randomized-striping-off}', 'striping/default/{msgr-failures/many', 'tasks/fsx-3-client}']