archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/yuriw-2020-11-12_17:03:16-rados-octopus-distro-basic-smithi/5616045 branch: octopus description: rados/thrash/{0-size-min-size-overrides/2-size-2-min-size 1-pg-log-overrides/normal_pg_log 2-recovery-overrides/{default} backoff/peering_and_degraded ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} crc-failures/bad_map_crc_failure d-balancer/upmap msgr-failures/fastclose msgr/async-v2only objectstore/filestore-xfs rados supported-random-distro$/{centos_latest} thrashers/careful thrashosds-health workloads/redirect_set_object} email: first_in_suite: false job_id: '5616045' kernel: &id001 kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: smithi name: yuriw-2020-11-12_17:03:16-rados-octopus-distro-basic-smithi nuke-on-error: true openstack: - volumes: count: 4 size: 10 - volumes: count: 4 size: 30 os_type: centos os_version: '8.1' overrides: admin_socket: branch: octopus ceph: conf: global: mon client directed command retry: 5 ms bind msgr1: false ms bind msgr2: true ms inject socket failures: 2500 ms tcp read timeout: 5 ms type: async osd_pool_default_min_size: 2 osd_pool_default_size: 2 mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 mon min osdmap epochs: 50 mon osdmap full prune interval: 2 mon osdmap full prune min: 15 mon osdmap full prune txsize: 2 paxos service trim min: 10 osd: debug filestore: 20 debug journal: 20 debug ms: 20 debug osd: 25 osd backoff on degraded: true osd backoff on peering: true osd debug reject backfill probability: 0.3 osd debug verify cached snaps: true osd debug verify missing on start: true osd inject bad map crc probability: 0.1 osd max backfills: 3 osd max markdown count: 1000 osd objectstore: filestore osd op queue: debug_random osd op queue cut off: debug_random osd scrub max interval: 120 osd scrub min interval: 60 osd shutdown pgref assert: true osd sloppy crc: true osd snap trim sleep: 2 fs: xfs log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) log-whitelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) - \(REQUEST_STUCK\) - failed to encode map - \(OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME - but it is still running - objects unfound and apparently lost - overall HEALTH_ - \(OSDMAP_FLAGS\) - \(OSD_ - \(PG_ - \(POOL_ - \(CACHE_POOL_ - \(SMALLER_PGP_NUM\) - \(OBJECT_ - \(SLOW_OPS\) - \(REQUEST_SLOW\) - \(TOO_FEW_PGS\) - slow request sha1: 31d4e76d0d584790763b4b1146b29ea4cfc2e9af ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 osd: osd objectstore: filestore osd sloppy crc: true filestore: true fs: xfs install: ceph: sha1: 31d4e76d0d584790763b4b1146b29ea4cfc2e9af selinux: whitelist: - scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0 workunit: branch: octopus sha1: 31d4e76d0d584790763b4b1146b29ea4cfc2e9af owner: scheduled_yuriw@teuthology priority: 99 repo: roles: - - mon.a - mon.c - mgr.y - osd.0 - osd.1 - osd.2 - osd.3 - client.0 - node-exporter.a - - mon.b - mgr.x - osd.4 - osd.5 - osd.6 - osd.7 - client.1 - prometheus.a - node-exporter.b sha1: 31d4e76d0d584790763b4b1146b29ea4cfc2e9af sleep_before_teardown: 0 suite: rados suite_branch: octopus suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/github.com_ceph_ceph_octopus/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: suite_sha1: 31d4e76d0d584790763b4b1146b29ea4cfc2e9af targets: ssh-rsa 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 ssh-rsa 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 tasks: - internal.check_packages: null - internal.buildpackages_prep: null - internal.lock_machines: - 2 - smithi - internal.save_config: null - internal.check_lock: null - internal.add_remotes: null - console_log: null - internal.connect: null - internal.push_inventory: null - internal.serialize_remote_roles: null - internal.check_conflict: null - internal.check_ceph_data: null - internal.vm_setup: null - kernel: *id001 - internal.base: null - internal.archive_upload: null - internal.archive: null - internal.coredump: null - internal.sudo: null - internal.syslog: null - internal.timer: null - pcp: null - selinux: null - ansible.cephlab: null - clock: null - install: null - ceph: conf: osd: debug monc: 20 - exec: mon.a: - while ! ceph balancer status ; do sleep 1 ; done - ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client luminous - ceph balancer mode upmap - ceph balancer on - thrashosds: aggressive_pg_num_changes: false chance_pgnum_grow: 1 chance_pgnum_shrink: 1 chance_pgpnum_fix: 1 timeout: 1200 - exec: client.0: - sudo ceph osd pool create low_tier 4 - rados: clients: - client.0 low_tier_pool: low_tier objects: 500 op_weights: copy_from: 100 set_redirect: 100 ops: 4000 set_redirect: true teuthology_branch: master timestamp: 2020-11-12_17:03:16 tube: smithi user: yuriw verbose: true worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/worker.smithi.11566