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False, 'skeleton': None, 'ssh_key_comment': 'ansible-generated on', 'group': None, 'system': False, 'state': 'absent', 'role': None, 'hidden': None, 'local': None, 'authorization': None, 'profile': None, 'shell': None, 'expires': None, 'ssh_key_file': None, 'groups': None, 'move_home': False, 'password': None, 'name': 'abhishekvrshny', 'seuser': None, 'remove': False, 'login_class': None, 'generate_ssh_key': None}}, 'state': 'absent', 'changed': False, 'name': 'abhishekvrshny', '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': 'abhishekvrshny', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'abhishekvrshny'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'asheplyakov', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'asheplyakov'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'liupan', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'liupan'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'adeza', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'adeza'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'pranith', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'pranith'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'dorinda', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'dorinda'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'zyan', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'zyan'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'jdillaman', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'jdillaman'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'nlevine', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'nlevine'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'tbrekke', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'tbrekke'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'taco', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'taco'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'louis', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'louis'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'amarango', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'amarango'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'oobe', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'oobe'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'rturk', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'rturk'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'fche', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'fche'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'jbainbri', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'jbainbri'}, {'unreachable': True, 'msg': 'Data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host\r\n', 'item': 'kdhananj', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': 'kdhananj'}], 'msg': 'All items completed', 'changed': False}} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(',2002:map', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(',2002:map', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(',2002:seq', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(',2002:map', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_26631ede9027a5643f2e47dacc5af6f1834aac45/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data) yaml.representer.RepresenterError: ('cannot represent an object', 'zcerza')