archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/yuriw-2022-01-15_05:47:18-rados-wip-yuri8-testing-2022-01-14-1551-distro-default-smithi/6619108 branch: wip-yuri8-testing-2022-01-14-1551 description: rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.4_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/rgw-ingress 3-final} email: first_in_suite: false job_id: '6619108' kernel: kdb: true sha1: distro last_in_suite: false machine_type: smithi name: yuriw-2022-01-15_05:47:18-rados-wip-yuri8-testing-2022-01-14-1551-distro-default-smithi nuke-on-error: true openstack: - volumes: count: 4 size: 10 os_type: rhel os_version: '8.4' overrides: admin_socket: branch: wip-yuri8-testing-2022-01-14-1551 ceph: conf: mgr: debug mgr: 20 debug ms: 1 mon: debug mon: 20 debug ms: 1 debug paxos: 20 osd: debug ms: 1 debug osd: 20 osd shutdown pgref assert: true flavor: default log-ignorelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) log-whitelist: - \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\) - \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\) sha1: f4c64f6f211dd3b2f27d3fc4d946d08f71145486 ceph-deploy: conf: client: log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log mon: osd default pool size: 2 install: ceph: flavor: default sha1: f4c64f6f211dd3b2f27d3fc4d946d08f71145486 kernel: hwe: true selinux: whitelist: - scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0 workunit: branch: wip-yuri8-testing-2022-01-14-1551 sha1: f4c64f6f211dd3b2f27d3fc4d946d08f71145486 owner: scheduled_yuriw@teuthology priority: 71 repo: roles: - - host.a - client.0 - - host.b - client.1 sha1: f4c64f6f211dd3b2f27d3fc4d946d08f71145486 sleep_before_teardown: 0 suite: rados suite_branch: wip-yuri8-testing-2022-01-14-1551 suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/github.com_ceph_ceph-c_f4c64f6f211dd3b2f27d3fc4d946d08f71145486/qa suite_relpath: qa suite_repo: suite_sha1: f4c64f6f211dd3b2f27d3fc4d946d08f71145486 targets: ssh-rsa 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 ssh-rsa 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 tasks: - pexec: all: - sudo cp /etc/containers/registries.conf /etc/containers/registries.conf.backup - sudo dnf -y module reset container-tools - sudo dnf -y module install container-tools:rhel8 - sudo cp /etc/containers/registries.conf.backup /etc/containers/registries.conf - nvme_loop: null - cephadm: roleless: true - host.a: - ceph orch status - ceph orch ps - ceph orch ls - ceph orch host ls - ceph orch device ls - vip: null - host.a: - ceph orch device ls --refresh - cephadm.apply: specs: - placement: count: 4 host_pattern: '*' service_id: foo service_type: rgw spec: rgw_frontend_port: 8000 - placement: count: 2 service_id: service_type: ingress spec: backend_service: frontend_port: 9000 monitor_port: 9001 virtual_ip: '{{VIP0}}/{{VIPPREFIXLEN}}' - cephadm.wait_for_service: service: - cephadm.wait_for_service: service: - host.a: - "echo \"Check while healthy...\"\ncurl http://{{VIP0}}:9000/\n\n# stop each\ \ rgw in turn\necho \"Check with each rgw stopped in turn...\"\nfor rgw in `ceph\ \ orch ps | grep ^ | awk '{print $1}'`; do\n ceph orch daemon stop\ \ $rgw\n while ! ceph orch ps | grep $rgw | grep stopped; do sleep 1 ; done\n\ \ while ! curl http://{{VIP0}}:9000/ ; do sleep 1 ; done\n ceph orch daemon\ \ start $rgw\n while ! ceph orch ps | grep $rgw | grep running; do sleep 1\ \ ; done\ndone\n\n# stop each haproxy in turn\necho \"Check with each haproxy\ \ down in turn...\"\nfor haproxy in `ceph orch ps | grep ^ |\ \ awk '{print $1}'`; do\n ceph orch daemon stop $haproxy\n while ! ceph orch\ \ ps | grep $haproxy | grep stopped; do sleep 1 ; done\n while ! curl http://{{VIP0}}:9000/\ \ ; do sleep 1 ; done\n ceph orch daemon start $haproxy\n while ! ceph orch\ \ ps | grep $haproxy | grep running; do sleep 1 ; done\ndone\n\nwhile ! curl\ \ http://{{VIP0}}:9000/ ; do sleep 1 ; done\n" - host.a: - stat -c '%u %g' /var/log/ceph | grep '167 167' - ceph orch status - ceph orch ps - ceph orch ls - ceph orch host ls - ceph orch device ls - ceph orch ls | grep '^osd.all-available-devices ' teuthology_branch: master teuthology_sha1: 3ff86a5dbaafecdb6414fa2fea970bb44e836829 timestamp: 2022-01-15_05:47:18 tube: smithi user: yuriw verbose: true worker_log: /home/teuthworker/archive/worker_logs/dispatcher.smithi.20261