_ansible_no_log: null changed: false invocation: module_args: allow_downgrade: false allowerasing: false autoremove: false bugfix: false cacheonly: false conf_file: null disable_excludes: null disable_gpg_check: false disable_plugin: [] disablerepo: [] download_dir: null download_only: false enable_plugin: [] enablerepo: [] exclude: [] install_repoquery: true install_weak_deps: true installroot: / list: null lock_timeout: 30 name: - ceph - ceph-base - ceph-selinux - ceph-common - ceph-debuginfo - ceph-release - libcephfs1 - ceph-radosgw - python-ceph - python-rados - python-rbd - python-cephfs - librbd1 - librados2 - mod_fastcgi nobest: false releasever: null security: false skip_broken: false sslverify: true state: absent update_cache: false update_only: false validate_certs: true msg: 'Failed to download metadata for repo ''powertools'': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/aaa1c72f762d4f50e51c97fcffe437606f1c7a75a988bdb72b056be236b5a465-primary.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success; repodata/dd9204bfba937968132d8149515f6bc9f0fa69a42462f4ee2073bdfef8d85b60-filelists.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success' rc: 1 results: [] _ansible_no_log: null changed: false invocation: module_args: allow_downgrade: false allowerasing: false autoremove: false bugfix: false cacheonly: false conf_file: null disable_excludes: null disable_gpg_check: false disable_plugin: [] disablerepo: [] download_dir: null download_only: false enable_plugin: [] enablerepo: [] exclude: [] install_repoquery: true install_weak_deps: true installroot: / list: null lock_timeout: 30 name: - ceph - ceph-base - ceph-selinux - ceph-common - ceph-debuginfo - ceph-release - libcephfs1 - ceph-radosgw - python-ceph - python-rados - python-rbd - python-cephfs - librbd1 - librados2 - mod_fastcgi nobest: false releasever: null security: false skip_broken: false sslverify: true state: absent update_cache: false update_only: false validate_certs: true msg: 'Failed to download metadata for repo ''powertools'': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/aaa1c72f762d4f50e51c97fcffe437606f1c7a75a988bdb72b056be236b5a465-primary.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success; repodata/dd9204bfba937968132d8149515f6bc9f0fa69a42462f4ee2073bdfef8d85b60-filelists.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success' rc: 1 results: [] _ansible_no_log: null changed: false invocation: module_args: allow_downgrade: false allowerasing: false autoremove: false bugfix: false cacheonly: false conf_file: null disable_excludes: null disable_gpg_check: false disable_plugin: [] disablerepo: [] download_dir: null download_only: false enable_plugin: [] enablerepo: [] exclude: [] install_repoquery: true install_weak_deps: true installroot: / list: null lock_timeout: 30 name: - ceph - ceph-base - ceph-selinux - ceph-common - ceph-debuginfo - ceph-release - libcephfs1 - ceph-radosgw - python-ceph - python-rados - python-rbd - python-cephfs - librbd1 - librados2 - mod_fastcgi nobest: false releasever: null security: false skip_broken: false sslverify: true state: absent update_cache: false update_only: false validate_certs: true msg: 'Failed to download metadata for repo ''powertools'': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/aaa1c72f762d4f50e51c97fcffe437606f1c7a75a988bdb72b056be236b5a465-primary.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success; repodata/dd9204bfba937968132d8149515f6bc9f0fa69a42462f4ee2073bdfef8d85b60-filelists.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success' rc: 1 results: []